View Full Version : Panic attack over pressure in chest

08-03-14, 20:33
Hi Guys

Just had an awful panic attack managed to stop it before it got to out of control, heart still beating like mad though :weep: I no what started it I've been paranoid with a pain in my leg thinking it's dvt so when I had this pressure feeling no pain right at the top near my collar bone I freaked out thinking the clot had either gone to lung or heart, my chest is really tight now, not sure if it because I have a cold though. I h8 panic attacks they make u feel so scared and so alone x

08-03-14, 20:39
Do you have anyone with you?

08-03-14, 22:29
Yeh I had my partner but he's useless lol, he doesn't understand why I have them and what they feel like, feeling a lot better now, I just need to stop my negative thoughts easier said then done x

08-03-14, 22:33
I used to get this all the time when I felt like it hon and it would settle down after a while.

How are you feeling now? If you are really worried you could call 111 x

08-03-14, 22:53
I'm good now thanks I've Ben doing really we'll come off my meds for the first time in 3 yrs sometimes I just have little set backs, I am really proud that I realise oh it's a panic attack breath and you'll get through it but when it first comes on god it's scary, thanx Hun, I no I'm fine I'm 25 reasonably healthy I no if it was a heart attack it wouldn't have gone away they would b pain widespread hard to pin point, and also with a pe it wouldn't just feel pressure, I'd have pain, fast heart rate minus the panic attack I was fine, this is what I have been telling myself it's just learning to trust ur own instincts. Thank u x x