View Full Version : Stomach health anxiety?

08-03-14, 21:35
Hello everyone,

My anxiety is usually around BT but since February I have been very worried about my stomach. Since the first week of February I've had tons of stomach cramps/sharp pains, gas, bloating, pains when eating, constipation, diarrhea, mucous in stool/without stool, sharp lower abdominal pains, sharp pains in my sides above my hips, weird sounds coming from my stomach, and a on and off nausea sensation. This stayed for about two and a half weeks, as soon as I got my period (which was two and a half weeks late) all of these symptoms stopped. With my anxious mind, I thought I was pregnant but took 4 HPT tests that all came out negative.

A week and a half later (after my period), these cramps and other symptoms started up again and have now been here for 6 days.

I'm really worried that it's something serious, or that I'm actually pregnant. I'm so afraid to go to the doctors... :( any ideas?

---------- Post added at 16:35 ---------- Previous post was at 16:33 ----------

I forgot to mention, I do sometimes feel a bit relieved when I have a bowel movement, but about 10-15 minutes later the gas/pain is back again. I also am having trouble to have these BM's and it also feels like I have to go even though I've tried and nothing happens. Lol, so sorry for TMI. I've ale been having middle back pains

08-03-14, 21:57
Hey Jenn,
You really need to see a doctor and get some real answers about your stomach issues……, and while you are there--- you need to talk with your doctor about your anxiety. My friend, don't let this go on any longer……I know you are scared to go to the doctor, but wouldn't it be easier to deal with that fear than day in and day out simply just living in fear??
Many people here can sympathize with your symptoms, and can share their own symptoms, but until you have some definitive answers from your doctor there is just not much we can do…….You are a beautiful, intelligent, young woman that shouldn't have to waste one day away dealing with HA.
Make an appointment right away, and we will support you through every step!!

08-03-14, 22:11
Thank you for replying TooMuchToLiveFor,
Everything you've stated is true, I do need to visit the doctors. I think I'm going to wait it out a few more days as I've gotten some peppermint oil capsules and want to see if they begin working at all.
Thank you so much for your kind words, really means a lot to me :) I hate to think that I'm wasting days worrying, but it's the harsh truth and it's something that I need to overcome. Xx