View Full Version : :(

09-03-14, 00:38
Hey, not been on here a while, since my last visit I had picked up the courage to take citalopram 40mg didn't work for me, I was so angry on them, got put on sertraline 60mg made me put on so much weight, now I'm on Amitriptyline 125mg& propanol 40mg, I'm a lot calmer but I still have daily panic attacks and the last few days I've been so depressed, looking for ways to end my life, so I ended up coming on here to try distract myself, I'm so scared of myself I don't wanna do something stupid but I also can't cope no longer, I have nobody I can talk to, my stupid agrophobia doesn't let me out the house, my doctors is literally next door and I still can't go on my own, my life seems to be falling apart, not to mention I've recently been told my eggs are lazy and put on 100mg Clomid, my doc thinks all this sadness as come more on since I found out I can't conceive naturally, so frustrating, if anybody would like to ask/talk feel free.
Rant over

Dissolved girl
09-03-14, 02:32
Hi there

I'm sorry your feeling so crappy at the moment.

It sounds like the depression/anxiety may have been worsened by the news that you can't conceive naturally. Don't forget there is still hope though and other methods to conceive!
I went through a difficult time also recently which seemed to trigger my anxiety off again!

What are you having panic attacks over? Do they just come on out of the blue or are they over something specific? One piece of advice i can give you is to remember that it is the effects of the anxiety you are afraid of and not the situation itself. It might give you some comfort.
It may help you a little to break the cycle a bit. Still difficult i know!

I wish i could help in some way but i haven't been agrophobic. So i am not sure what to advise. I had it briefly when i first had anxiety but it never became too bad.

Is it possible that the pills you are on are still settling?

I am on my third week of Setraline and i was so depressed a few times i even wrote out my suicide notes.

Do you have any hobbies to get yourself out of the depression? Things you can do indoors to take your mind off of it a bit?

I am sure tomorrow will be different for you


09-03-14, 03:27
Hey, thanks for a reply, my panic attacks are always there I've suffered with them since I was 18 I'm now 22 I don't remember a time in the last 3 years where I haven't had at least 1 a day, its mad, mine are worse of a nighyt I wake up in a panic attack, I've had cbt, loads of pills witch tbh I wouldn't take most I was scared of the side effects, how are you going with sertraline? When I was on those I put on so much weight thank god I've lost it now lol, what is it your suffering with?
My aggrophobia came on when I had panic attacks in certain places town, bus station etc. And I've avoided them ever since & got worse. My tablets I'm on now have helped me a lot, how are you coping methods etc?
Here if you ever wanna rant :)