View Full Version : I need help.

09-03-14, 07:20
It's almost three thirty am here. I'm pacing my kitchen having a panic attack, everyone is asleep. I feel like I'm going to have a seizure. I never have had one before, and I don't even know why I think I'm going to, but it's a thought I think every day. Today is just really bad. I'm so sick of feeling like this, with no one to help me, or understand.

09-03-14, 07:51
Hi I have just woke up and noticed your post. I hope by now that you have nanaged to get some sleep. When my anxiety was at its worse the night times could be scary especially when my husband was working away and I was alone. Do breathing exercises and try to focus on positives. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

09-03-14, 08:12
No sleep yet sadly. And still not at the end of the tunnel. It's just hard to keep this up, I'm so tired of feeling like this.

09-03-14, 08:17
When you are at your worst it feels like you will never get any better but you will. Are you having any therapy such as cbt?

09-03-14, 08:24
Not at this point in time, no. But calling my doctor Monday. I just want to feel somewhat normal, at least.

09-03-14, 10:11
I don't know how the system works in Canada, but what I found most helpful was developing a plan and realistic objectives. Now I have to say that this approach appeals to my control freak nature and the linear way in which my brain works but developing a plan and a target gave me a phenomenal sense of control and also something against which to measure success.

In anxiety terms people often talk in absolutes, I.e. You are either in the depths of despair or better. Realistically travelling seamlessly between one and the other is unlikely at best. I choose to measure my progress against a positive trajectory. So for example, did I have more good days this week than I did last? Did I have fewer minutes today thinking about health than yesterday. Progress should also make you confident that should you regress then progress can be achieved again. For me at least it then creates a somewhat more positive cycle and allows me to ride the rough patches in the knowledge that it is possible to feel better.

Just my thoughts though so do with them what you will :)

Hope you have a more relaxing day today.

09-03-14, 10:20
I was like this last Sunday, felt I would collapse. Try to stop fighting it, try going with your feelings instead. Try lying down and just letting the feelings wash over you, instead of pushing them away.

I saw my doc last Monday. she gave me diazepam to take the edge off the panic. Just talking to her relaxed me. Day by day I've felt a little better. Not every day has been good, but this morning I haven't taken any diazepam, and even though I'm a bit panicky, I am feeling a bit better.

So go and see your Doctor as soon as you can, and tell them all you are feeling. Ask for help,

09-03-14, 10:42
I am pleased you have made the decision to see your doctor and hopefully you will be given the support you need. :hugs::hugs: