View Full Version : fear of work

27-11-06, 08:05
This might sound a bit weird, but hey, here goes!
I have to go to the doc in a little while. I will be able to tell her that I am feeling a lot brighter than I have been. The depressive side of my illness seems to be lifting and the anxieties, while all still there are not as all consuming as they have been. Sounds great eh?
However, when it comes to my work, I can even only visualise it in my mind and I come out in a sweat, chest hurts and I feel sick. I can't put my finger on what it is though, even the picture of the front door of my work is enough to send me panicking.
Worse than having to explain this to my doc, I am going to have to phone my work afterwards, even writing that makes me want to run to the bathroom.
I can't avoid it forever and I feel so weird not being able to explain what it is and I don't even know how I am going to get over it if I don't know what it is that I am trying to get over.....have I lost you? I'm lost! lol
Anyway, to cut it short, I just wanted to sound off and look for someone telling me I'm not weird!
Is this what general anxiety is? Being anxious but not knowing why?

27-11-06, 10:06
Hiya....I totally understand, i'm feeling great within myself too....but when it comes to work i feel exactly the same. I have been off work since 4th Oct, I promised work i would be bk sooner (because i want to).....and now there telling me, i'm letting them down...(making me feel worse). But i can't seem to shift the nerves when it comes to goin to work.
In fact i have a meeting with them tomorrow at 10:30, about gradually goin bk....dropping my hrs to gradually get me back in there. which i suggested and they seem to think it a good idea. But the idea of the meeting is making me want to vommit.

27-11-06, 10:38
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow for your meeting at work d3niro. I can only sympathise as I was in a state this morning just having to phone in. I don't know what I would be like if I had to go and speak to them face to face. I've been given another fortnight off and I am pretty sure it will be extended beyond that.

27-11-06, 10:53
oh happy one i could have written that post..ive been of for 2 months...due back on the 15th..im the same
I wake up think about work and it sends me into a huge attack...

then it starts omg what if i cant ever work..whats going on...ive been there 11 years..what if my doc thinks im just trying to miss work..
People say go back its good to be back and in routine the longer your off harder it is...do you think thats true???
What i do know..if i suffer my GAd around my family im safe..but the thought of having it at work is just a nightmare xx

27-11-06, 10:55
as you can read you are not alone..so sad that they say those things as its bound to put too much pressure on you....please lets us know how you are getting on
sarah xx

27-11-06, 12:09
I was the same with work after having almost 6 months off, due to anxiety and stress. I'm actually able to face work these days although some days are a real struggle and i find myself going through the motions of why should i bother.

Thankfully my boss has always been very good to me. I told him what i was going through, and he said just take as much time as you need. But even after him saying that you always have the thought of 'what do people at work, really think of me?.

Anyways, hope you are better soon :D

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