View Full Version : Now this is a random one.. Nails!

09-03-14, 16:53
This is a bit of a random one but I wonder if anyone else has this or can shed any light!

Does anyone else get horizontal lines / dents / ridges across their nails? It's mainly across my thumbs (or at least they're the deepest / most visible ridges - i seem to have them over 4 or 5 of my nails) its not just one ridge it seems to e lots running down the nail making it look a bit lumpy. They aren't too visible unless you get up close but they're kinda stressing me out a bit.. There doesn't seem to be any info on them other that than they're "an often overlooked symptom of a serious disease" (why is EVERYTHING a simple of something serious?!)

I'm trying to rationalise, thinking maybe it's because I'm not particularly gentle with my hands - my nails peel a lot and my cuticles are wel.. Non existant! Plus I pick my nails.. Hmm.

Anyone else have these?!

09-03-14, 16:59
Rather than a serious disease they can also be caused by vitamin/mineral deficiencies. Nails take a while to react to a change so you will have other more worrying problems than just a change in nails.

I'd imagine yours is neither though as you said yourself that you don't keep them safe.

My step dad has clubbed nails and he has nothing wrong with him :)

09-03-14, 17:47
Thanks for the reply Luna (I hope you're feeling better?)

I think I need to block google on my phone!

09-03-14, 18:42
Doesn't everyone have ridges in their nails? I certainly do.

09-03-14, 18:48
Doesn't everyone have ridges in their nails? I certainly do.

Yep, I do... "Hey honey... let me look at your nails"... Yep her too... ;)

Positive thoughts

09-03-14, 18:49
I figured everyone has vertical ones.. But I'm yet to meet anyone with horizontal ones, I'd even started trying to sneak peeks at people nails when I'm out and about. Silly.

10-03-14, 00:08
I have lots of dints and bumps in my nails. My partner plays guitar and his nails are awful!