View Full Version : Getting better

09-03-14, 18:30
Hi, I haven't been on this site for a couple of months but I felt I had to put on a post about getting "over" HA, or at least better.

I was in a very bad place about two months ago. HA consumed every minute of my day (and night) and I almost lived at my doctors surgery! It got to a point where despite fighting it for years I decided I would give medication a try as I had nothing to lose, even though I was terrified of the list of side effects from them.

I take 20mg fluoxetine once a day and have only been taking them for 7 weeks but I can honestly say I feel cured! I feel like I have got my life back and I am my old self again. I did also try CBT and hypnosis alongside the tablets, so it is hard to say which actually worked - maybe all of them.

So for anyone who has been offered medication but is too scared to try it, it worked for me and I am SO glad I tried it. It enables me to deal with any niggling HA worries so much more rationally than in the past. I don't know if those little niggles will ever leave for good, but I am happy to be in a better place to deal with them when they come along.

I had tried SO hard for so long with other coping mechanisms, but nothing worked for me, and believe me when I say I tried EVERYTHING.

Anyway, just wanted to say it is possible to feel better and to get a life back. :)

09-03-14, 18:42
Hi there. It's really great to hear news like yours. Really well done and I hope you've finally beaten it.

09-03-14, 18:43
Great news! Congratulations!

09-03-14, 18:52
Im so pleased to hear this long may it last :D

09-03-14, 18:56
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I just thought it would be nice for others to read something hopeful. I know when I was at my worst I loved reading about those who had had success in beating their HA. It gave me hope.

09-03-14, 19:46
Wonderful to read this! I know a while back you were having a pretty rough time. Yes, people should read this and take solace in knowing the Dragon is tamable!

Positive thoughts

09-03-14, 19:52
Great post!! It gives us all a glimmer of hope......

10-03-14, 00:15
So fantastic to hear this update :) I know that it can be quite daunting to start a new medication, let alone stick with it to see the results, but it sounds like the fluoxetine alonside therapy has worked wonders for you. Keep this positive attitude with you, and continue to flourish in your recovery. I hope other sufferers can find encouragement and inspiration in your recovery!

Catherine S
10-03-14, 00:50
Great that you're feeling better, most of us do eventually but it takes time. Thanks for coming back and sharing with us :)

10-03-14, 01:19
Awesome to hear, Pomchi!
May you have many peace filled days ahead, and may your story help others find those as well!

10-03-14, 09:27
Thank you for your post as it is really encouraging to hear and I am really glad you are feeling better and able to move on, well done x

10-03-14, 11:05
Pomchi, congratulations on your many successes. We need to celebrate them all, large and small. I remember when you were having such a tough time and it's so good to hear that you are doing better. I know that it takes a lot of work and I'm glad that you found something that is working for you. Thanks for sharing this success story with us.

Mr m anxious
10-03-14, 14:35
I haven't been on here for a while also but yes its possible to put the ha nightmare behind you. I have now fully recovered all the physical pain and bodily issues have gone. If any of you remember me I had shoulder problem, muscle twitches , prickly sensations , tinnitus, night sweats, head zaps , dizziness, insomnia and so on, probably more than half the anxiety list on this and other site's. I hope people read this because people new to anxiety don't believe it's anxiety even though doctors tell you this. Well it's all true! I have a friend at work who has also just been diagnosed with anxiety which started with a panic attack like myself , I'm trying to help him just like I want to help anyone on here . Please believe that you can do it with or without medication. Don't try and rush to get better just work at it daily and eventually you can get better , it's taken me 8 months. Good luck everyone x