View Full Version : Fed up of this :-(

09-03-14, 20:18
I'm fed up of having this lightheadedness feeling and sometimes so bad feel as if I'm going to pass out. It's the only symptom I have of the anxiety that I can't cope with its constant from the time I wake to the time I gi to sleep. I don't know if it's from a side effect of the meds I was going to just stop taking them tonight and go cokd turkey

09-03-14, 20:20
What medication are you on?

09-03-14, 20:24
Sam it really isnt advisible to just stop taking meds depending on what they are .I to suffer with this so I know what you mean try not to focus on it and it will get better x

09-03-14, 20:31
I'm on 45mg of mirtazapine. I do my best to ignore it it's really hard. Yes your right it's not advisable to just stop my medication. I'll try harder to just let it be and maybe it'll subside. X

09-03-14, 20:38
I'm on 45mg of mirtazapine. I do my best to ignore it it's really hard. Yes your right it's not advisable to just stop my medication. I'll try harder to just let it be and maybe it'll subside. X

Thats the way love remember it just takes time x:bighug1:

09-03-14, 22:56
Hi, don't stop taking your meds. I know its hard to believe now but things will get better over time :hugs: how long have you been taking these meds ? (if you don't mind me asking)

10-03-14, 09:33
I have been on 45mg for over 4 months now.

14-03-14, 00:48
I have been on 45mg for over 4 months now.

Hi Sam, sorry I didn't reply earlier :wacko:. I just thought if you have just started taking them, a side effect might be lightheadedness, after 4 months taking your tablets it could still be and probably is a side effect. Have you had therapy to help with your anxiety ? If not then you could go and have a chat with your GP/doctor about your anxiety and they will refer you to be assessed to see what type of help is right for you :D.

Round in circles
15-03-14, 18:11
I'm just echoing what others have said about not stopping meds cold turkey. It can be dangerous to stop like that depending on the drug/dose. Definitely go back to the doc to discuss the lightheadedness.

15-03-14, 18:56
I'm just echoing what others have said about not stopping meds cold turkey. It can be dangerous to stop like that depending on the drug/dose. Definitely go back to the doc to discuss the lightheadedness.

Dangerous, how? I'm just curious. Can it cause permanent damage? My doctor tapered me off of Effexor. I was on the lowest dose, so he cut that in half and had me take it for two weeks before stopping. The second day I was off of it everything went crazy and I've been dealing with the withdrawl symptoms. I'm on day 15 and it's finally starting to fade, but.. I've always worried that I was going to break something mentally or physically because of the way the withdrawls made me feel.

15-03-14, 20:28
Dangerous, how? I'm just curious. Can it cause permanent damage? My doctor tapered me off of Effexor. I was on the lowest dose, so he cut that in half and had me take it for two weeks before stopping. The second day I was off of it everything went crazy and I've been dealing with the withdrawl symptoms. I'm on day 15 and it's finally starting to fade, but.. I've always worried that I was going to break something mentally or physically because of the way the withdrawls made me feel.

By dangerous, it could mean what it could drive you to do.

Ive read about some in the past and it just said the withdrawal could be magified as opposed to adjusting by tapering off.

I think its the same when going on some of them. I first took 20mg of Citalopram straight from the start but when I went on Duloxetine later, I had to take it at 30mg before moving to 60mg 2 weeks later. I think the instructions said 7 days but I couldnt get a GP appointment less than 14 days and he wanted to monitor me. 60mg is the normal dose and the worst of the side effects were when I went up to this, the 30mg was pretty mild after 48hrs.