View Full Version : Trichotillomania / pulling out hair

09-03-14, 22:51
As far as I can remember I have always pulled my hair out even when I'm not having a bad dad but gets worse the more anxious i feel. The earliest I can remember is when my hairdresser noticed a bald patch when I was about 10 and I just kept quiet about how it was caused. Now I tend to be more careful so that bald patches aren't noticed as much.

Does anyone else suffer from this ?

10-03-14, 08:22
I suffer from something very similar. I twirl my hair into knots (I like how it feels on my fingers, it's definitely a comfort thing) then I'll often pull the whole knot out of my hair. A lot of my hair at the back is very very short and badly broken :( its such a bad habit, I get comfort from it but at the same time I drive my boyfriend crazy doing it, I feel guilty doing it, people say stuff about my hair.. So I do it more for comfort, it's a vicious circle!

I'd love to have gorgeous long hair but I just can't break the habit!

I'm sorry I can't offer any advice or anything but I understand :)

10-03-14, 10:09
I pull out my eyelashes and eyebrows. I even have a little permanent bald spot on one of my eyebrows because I've been doing it for years. It's a symptom of my depression rather than a problem in and of itself I think, for me, I don't mean in general.

24-03-14, 19:15
I used to do this when I was a teenager. I'd get myself into such a rage I would pul my hair out.

I'm like COS though, I twirl my hair round my finger, I do it constantly. And then i sometimes put it between my lips. Very odd behaviour lol.

29-03-14, 00:31
I'm biting hair out of my arms and hands. I think it's a stress-relieving thing I done when I need a break from everything.

29-03-14, 01:55
You'd be surprised at how common trichotillomania is. It actually occurs in 1-2% of the population, and the majority of sufferers are female with a ratio to males of 10:1. And as you've seen, there are quite a few sufferers here. For some people it is just a compulsion with no trigger, and for others it is induced by stress/anxiety. There are things that can be done to help alleviate it though if it does become bothersome or worrying to you :)