View Full Version : Fear of fainting.

09-03-14, 23:44
Still suffering from a fear of fainting primarily but grafting through it.

Working, exercising, going on holiday, general socialising, shopping etc, meeting up for dates allbeit whilst feeling very dizzy!

I have tried, CBT, reading Claire Weekes bookes, diet changes, exercise, graded exposure!

Any other advice?

Just how severe my anxiety is seems to be not understood as I avoid very little but I am suffering from the symptons heavily.

11-03-14, 21:26
It takes along time for anxiety to build up so unfortunatley it takes along time for it to go keep doing what your doing ,your doing great you will get there just put the dizziness out of your mind completely x

11-03-14, 21:40
i used to and still have the fear but i don,t let it bother me but there is some days it can,t help but bother you.

13-03-14, 00:05
Yeah just need to keep battling on and adding extra bits to help in! Got a flight soon, need to be brave. The only fear is the fainting and having a panic attack stuck on a plane! I was training to be a pilot before and now barely getting on a plane. Life changes eh! O well.

13-03-14, 00:38
Hi cheekychap

It sounds like you are doing all the right things by not avoiding the situations which make you feel anxious. That's so important, so well done.

I used to have a terror of fainting too. The thing which helped me was learning that you are less likely to faint when you're anxious/panicking than at any other time, because your anxiety drives your blood pressure up (and you faint when it goes too low). It took me a while to believe this but it really helped me take the fear out of it which helped the panic attacks subside.

Keep on keeping on, you're doing great :yesyes:

14-03-14, 18:16
I have a fear of fainting too. I've only ever fainted once in my life and that was when I was will, not through a panic. Well done for still going about your activities even though you worry about dizziness, its easier said than done a lot of the time so really good on you.

One thing I recommend is to always carry something with sugar in it with you. Whether its juice or a bit of chocolate, I notice my dizziness usually gets worse and makes me panicky if I am low on sugar. Also keeping a fan on at your work station or making a paper one can help when you feel dizzy, also really helps if you feel nauseous too.

14-03-14, 23:21
Yeah great shouts, I found that too. Adding some logic too it using knowledge!

And yes ginger fish, thanks too but it would sort of add to avoidance behaviours I guess in the long term?

30-04-14, 19:30
Hi all, new here.

Happy to see there are some others who have this fear! Last September I was at a concert and just randomly passed out. I wasn't panicking at all (never had any anxiety or panic issues until after this happened). I had eaten dinner an hour earlier and had 2 drinks with dinner so my Dr just thinks I got hot and it was a one-off thing. I was standing right next to my husband, I felt really tired and put my head on his shoulder- next thing I remember he was carrying me up the stairs to go sit in the lobby where it was cooler. I was only out for a few seconds and just felt tired afterwards, so we went home. I didn't think much of it until a week or so later I started feeling really anxious anytime I was out in public - grocery stores, restaurants, anything. The worst is standing in line to check out with my items - if it takes too long, I feel like I'm going to pass out right there. It's never happened - you think my brain would figure out that I'm going to be okay - but I feel like that EVERY time :/ It's horribly debilitating. I work from home so I am responsible for all the shopping - I make it to the store once or twice a week because I force myself to go but it's a horrible experience every time.

I've had to decline invitations for friends birthdays and get-togethers if I know wherever I'm going is somewhere that I'd have to stand a lot. I feel better when walking but when I stop and have to stand I feel dizzy, hot and scared again. I hate this :( Dr did a million tests to make sure I didn't have anything else wrong and everything was normal. So she started me on 50mg of sertraline, started yesterday. I feel super weird today so I'm hoping it goes away soon and I can have my life back.

Anyone have any tips or inspiration on how to get a hold of this fear? Or at least how to deal with shopping and everyday tasks like that? I try to always have gum or a mint in my mouth which helps a little, and I literally won't leave the house without a full water bottle in my purse. I feel so silly having this fear because deep down I know that I'm ok but I cannot convince my brain of that. Sorry for such a long post - just wanted to get some stuff out. Thanks :)