View Full Version : Constantly worried about catching a cold/flu

10-03-14, 00:05
Hi all. Not sure if this is the correct place to post this so apologies if not.

Basically I am terrified of catching colds. The cold itself doesn't really bother me too much but I really really really hate catching them. My problem comes with more the worrying over catching one. For as long as I can remember if I have an occasion coming up such as a concert I've paid to go and see typically about 2-3 weeks before without fail I will start worrying "what if I catch a cold and can't go and I end up wasting my money". Every single time and it's really starting to get me down now.

At the moment I have a hotel booked for 2 nights next weekend. I live with my parents and my dad is smothering with a cold. He's walking around the house touching everything and blowing his nose and coughing. I've been in my room for nearly 3 days now only leaving to go to the toilet, get food or go to the gym. I'm worried sick (pun not intended) about catching his cold and not being able to go. He couldn't have caught it at a worse time. I'm walking around with a bandana over my mouth and nose and washing my hands a hundred times a day. I look like an idiot :roflmao:

Out of all the times I've worried about catching a cold and not being able to go to a concert or whatever, only once has it actually happened and that was when I had flu and lost £100+ on a hotel and train fare (ironically 1 year to this very day last year). Still, them odds don't make me feel any better.

I wanted to ask 2 questions really
1. Am I 100% guaranteed to catch his cold as I live in the same house?
2. How do I stop this worrying every single time I have an event coming up? I wouldn't know what I'd be like if I'd booked a holiday and spend £1000's :scared15:

Thanks all for any advice.

10-03-14, 07:45
Firstly I can understand your fear. I went through a phase of being like this about tummy bugs. But it's really really important to try and overcome this first and foremost. You'll be exposed to bugs and germs for the rest of your life, you need to focus on not let letting this fear take hold of you.

Have you spoken to a doctor about this fear?

In answer to your questions, obviously no one can guarantee you won't catch it. But there have been plenty of times either me or my boyfriend have been ill and the other hasn't caught it (and we live in a teeny flat!) I had the flu last Christmas and he didn't catch it - and I was coughing all over the place.

You need to train your brain not to worry, CBT is good for this. Waiting times can be long though on the NHS (I'm currently waiting) so I would speak to your doctor. For me I've found serious distraction has helped, hanging out with friends, going for a walk..

Best of luck!