View Full Version : A few good days

10-03-14, 00:40
Hi everyone

I've posted quite a lot over the last few weeks looking for help and support. And some people on here have really helped me through the dark days.

So I just wanted to write a positive post. I've been having a few really good days. My anxiety symptoms are still there...burning skin, mouth etc. but I'm dealing with them much better. They are not causing me to spiral into despair like before.

I'm on week 3 of sertraline so maybe it's that that's starting to work. I've also made a conscious effort to say yes to things even when I was feeling rubbish. And spent a lot of time in the sun this weekend which helped.

I know this might not last and I'll have bad days again but I hope it might help some people to know that there are good days ahead and not everyday will be a bad one.

Thanks again guys

10-03-14, 01:22
Great to hear, Conor!!! May you have many peace filled days ahead!
You sound like you are on a great path! I am a fellow "Sertie", and I have seen it do amazing things!

10-03-14, 05:54
Well done Conor!

Going on SSRI/SRNI's take me to a far worse place than before so I know what you mean. Doctors really don't understand how these things work at the start from my experience so if you can brave it out until the side effects wear off, it's best to.

You've got the right attitude. From my experience, I did retreat and I can tell you that it's far harder to claw your way back then keep it going before.