View Full Version : At work - panic!

27-11-06, 09:32
Well I came to work today coz I figured I was better off being busy

I was OK until i walked into briefing and everyone was looking at me and asking if I was OK

I was fine until on woman said "Becky, you're looking worried" and that was it - I welled up with tears and had to walk out of there quickly.

I went to the toilets and stood doing my breathing and calmed myself down I really want to be at work and I know I can do this - I've only been on the anti d's for a week and I know I can't expect miracles but I really don't want to be off

I guess I feel ashamed as to why the depression has come back and why these panic attacks have started. I've been feeling lots better this weekend.

I know, small steps ... But I will get better, I know I can do it

I've got my rescue remedy in my bag and the spray stuff which I keep using so I'm not alone

My friends here are just concerned I know, but I can't cope with them asking me how I am:(

27-11-06, 10:23
Stick with it Becky. I know the feeling when you're trying to be brave and just get on with things and you get comments like this that knock you back. Just last week 2 people at work asked if I was alright saying I looked "a bit pasty". Last thing I needed to hear as I ws feeling like crap. At least it shows that people are concerned for your well being when they ask after you...it would be much worse if nobody took a blind bit of notice and never showed any interest. And you managed to calm yourself and dealt with the situation so you should give yourself a pat on the back. Don't feel ashamed about your depression/pa's returning...they won't go without a fight but remember you are strong enough to deal with this and, as you said, will get better.

Here's to your week going great from here on in!


27-11-06, 10:48
just remember you are so brave...ive been off for 2 months ..and know i cant go back at the mo...i guess i fear what happened to you will happen to me...its awful isnt it..even when i think of work i panick...
its such early days for the MEds to work...but you are so strong for going back..please remember that...keep me informed ...Ill take heart in your progress when it time for me to go back

27-11-06, 12:10
Thank you so much

You really are a great bunch on here

I have had a good morning and managed my breaktime duty just fine. My lessons have been good too and it's been brilliant just being busy and having no time at all to think about "me"

I'm almost half way through my day and I'm giving myself a big :clap: for getting this far

Thanks again

27-11-06, 12:15
Yes i get that too, with work and friends. It's a horrible feeling when you think they know you have something wrong with you. I work in retail and i find it very hard even to make eye contact with people most days for fear they maybe talking about me.

How paranoid can I GET.

You are not on your own Becky ;)

"Forget Perfection, You'll Never Reach it'

27-11-06, 15:07
:)Well done Becky on going to work.[Yeah!][:P]Please dont feel ashamed of being depressed,we cant help having this illness.You will feel better soon,once the meds kick in.You be proud of yourself for being able to go to work pet.;)

Ellen XX

27-11-06, 15:24
You're very brave- remember to congratulate yourself on getting to work in the first place! Hope things are going ok,

Lucy -x-