View Full Version : headaches on citalopram

10-03-14, 10:56
I'm at week 8 with the citalopram and feeling really great mood wise but i'm getting headaches every day. Not debilitating ones that stop me getting on with work and family life, just a dull ache across my forehead and feeling really tired. Has anyone else had this and if so is it a side effect that will wear off over time or something I'm going to have to put up with for the time i'm on the cit?

10-03-14, 12:11
Hey JR, I had the forehead thing going on. Don't seem to get it now at week 13.

It's weird but I just got used to it and now it's gone.

Do you suffer from nausea? I still have touches of this even after 3 months in.

10-03-14, 13:08
Hi Marty
Thanks for the reply, here's hoping that it fades for me too then! I had awful nausea the first two weeks, now it's just now and again and passes quite quickly. The pro's definitely outweigh the cons though now that my mood has lifted.

10-03-14, 19:14
Absolutely JR, the alternative is just not worth it.