View Full Version : tummy bug

27-11-06, 09:59
Hi, haven't posted on here for a while as everything has been going OK. But I have had a real bad few days. I had been feeling bad with nausea all last week, (by the way thats nothing new as I suffer with it quite a bit). Then last saturday my husband came in from the pub and was sick, he said that he had been feeling ill for a few days, but I took that to be the beer, or convinced myself that was what it was. Then Thursday of last week my daughter came home from school and said that she had been feeling unwell all day and had sickness and diarrohea that night. By this time I was in a right state with myself as my husband wasn't in from work to help. I have emetnophobia and this was my worst nightmare. Mu daughter who is 12 had to cope with all of this on her own as I couldn't bare to be near her.

When my husband came in, he took over and I went into a quivering wreck downstairs. She slept fine and I kept her off school the next day and by the evening she was fine.

Saturday night came, husband came in from pub, eating his tea and talking at the same time, started to choke on his tea, so of course he threw up again. But that was ok as I knew it was because he had swallowed something the wrong way. Yesterday he said he didn't feel well, and spend all yesterday afternoon and night throwing up and diarrohea. I didn't go anywhere near him and slept on the settee all night scared stiff that I am going to get it next. My son has at present all escaped it.(Touch Wood)

What I am querying is because I didn,t go near them do you think I have a risk of getting it, I have boiled all the cups they used and sprayed everywhere they have touched with disinfectant. I am petrified. The worst thing is my daughter is getting like me now and is scared of being sick and worries about aches and pains, on friday she was even googling and looking for diarrohea and found that it can kill (this was obviously in third world countries) so I had to explain to her. I will hate myself forever, it I have passed this on to her.

I am sorry this is such a long post but I needed to get out what has been going on in my head.

Please can someone help.

Many thanks

AngieB X[Sigh...]

27-11-06, 10:25
I really don't know how these bugs pass on to people. Sounds like you have done all you can to safeguard yourself against it, but it's that awful time of year when there are loads of bugs around.

I don't know what else to say really, but I hope you'll be okay.


27-11-06, 18:30
Hi AngieB, I am sorry you have all been feeling so poorly lately! I have 6 people in my house and you can bet these bugs always manage to get round at least 5 of us! my partner seems to dodge it most the time (lucky or what). I think it is just one of those things, sickness bugs and stuff seem to spread so easily. It must be awful for you though with your fears.
I know it will soon pass, but you putting yourself under all this stress can't be helping, if anything you are worrying yourself sick!
I know you can't help it but sometimes it maybe easier just to accept what is happening ie - the bug, and just do the usual stuff, drink plenty of fluids, rest.....and just get better, as you have already spotted, your daughter is picking up on this irrational behaviour and that is the last thing you want, especially over something like a sickness bug. I really hope that did'nt sound horrible, it was not meant that way:D. Hope you all get better soon, take care.

Angie x

28-11-06, 09:55
Thanks for your replies, today everything seems a bit better and I have read the recent posting on here about the facts about bugs and it has made me relax a bit. My main worry is my daughter, but she seems fine now and is now back to her normal cheerful self.

I have been really well for a couple of months, so hopefully this is just a minor blip. Its just good to have somewhere to come to when we have these fears, I am so pleased I found this site as I have no-one else to talk to about it.

Again many thanks

AngieB X