View Full Version : Time to stop !!!

10-03-14, 12:24
Hi all
I have been on Mirap for just over a year now, my Phsychiatrist signed me off to the care of my G.P, Have been feeling great and think I need to come of Mirap. having had no previous bouts of depression before this one, My G.P said there are no side effects to stopping. Is this right???
As I live in Ireland the health service is still finding it's feet to put it mildly !!!!
Look forward to hearing replies from those in similar circumstances

10-03-14, 23:01
I've stopped mirtazapine before, quite abruptly, with no ill effects.

however I was on only 15mg and immediately started on a different drug.

I believe that official advice if coming off mirtazapine totally, rather than switching to another drug, is to reduce the amount slowly over 4 weeks.

You'll find more info and experiences on the mirtazapine sub-forum.