View Full Version : really need some help

10-03-14, 15:38
Hey everyone. I feel like my situation is getting out of control.

I have a fear of fainting and throwing up. Today I was so scared that I would faint that I ate quite a lot at lunch and so then I got into class but it turned into a fear of throwing up. I was sitting in my seat and got so worried that I put my hand up and made up that I had a dr's app and so I could then leave. It makes me mad that this has taken over my life because now I have to keep leaving class because i feel 'ill'.

I am going to see the doctor about something else this week but I feel like they wont take me seriously if I tell them about this. I also have a trip next week with my college which means I wont have the safety net of home to run back to. Does anyone else have any similar experiences and how they deal/dealt with it?? thanks guys

10-03-14, 16:28
Panic attacks are easier to get under control the earlier you nip them in the bud.

Do you understand the physiology behind them? What and why is happening?

You absolutely should be utterly candid with your GP. There are so many things that you can do to find relief and recovery!

I am having a setback right now, but it will not last too long- and overall I have recently been better than I have ever been. I am on Sertraline, have finished CBT, and have done some talk therapy. Prayer and working out has helped wonders.

We're here to root you on, but definitely address this with your GP. :hugs:

15-03-14, 11:16
Panic attacks are easier to get under control the earlier you nip them in the bud.

Do you understand the physiology behind them? What and why is happening?

You absolutely should be utterly candid with your GP. There are so many things that you can do to find relief and recovery!

I am having a setback right now, but it will not last too long- and overall I have recently been better than I have ever been. I am on Sertraline, have finished CBT, and have done some talk therapy. Prayer and working out has helped wonders.

We're here to root you on, but definitely address this with your GP. :hugs:

thanks , i spoke to my GP but he was NOT helpful. just said that it was due to my age and the fact I'm just on the border of the right weight. I'm actually sick and tired of people treating me like im stupid or a worthless case. I dont know how im going to cope on monday.

15-03-14, 11:38
I'd prepare.

You have a class. You need to eat something to sustain your blood sugar through the class. But you don't want to choose something that'll make you feel too full as this will trigger emetophobia.
So with this in mind, in advance, spend some time thinking of what in your diet is a "go to" safe food that you can trust to sustain blood sugar and not cause fullness.
Choose the food, buy the food and have the right amount in the time leading up to the class so your mind is then at ease.

I recommend a protein snack of some kind. It's an appetite suppressant and won't give you insulin spikes. Have it with salad or vegetables ideally.
It will also keep your mind clear and sharp for your class.

As for your school trip, once again, preparation. What are the eating arrangements there and the foods on offer. Take some suitable snacks in your bag if need be for those tricky occasions when you need that reassurance of having a food source you can trust.

Why not also tell the teacher in private. It's the mature thing to do. Don't be embarrassed.

Your doctors probably not going to be able to cure emetophobia but any resulting counseling would be made up of coping strategies, preparation and new attitudes like this I'd have thought.