View Full Version : Bad anxious mother!!!

10-03-14, 17:01
Not sure where to start really except that i feel like the worse mother on the planet today due to my mood swings!!
For the past 6 weeks i've had bizarre pains in my lower right abdomen radiating from my groin one minute to near my pelvic bone the next. They are not excrutiating particularly but bad enough for me to notice them. These are coupled with other strange goings-ons which all occurred around the same time, namely spotting a week before period is due, my periods are much shorter in length (have always been 6 days long, now lucky if it hits 3 days) the cycle length has become shorter, for the past 25 years my cycle length has been 28 days and i knew to the half hour when they would start (always around 11.30 in the morning)6 months ago they changed to every 27 days, then 2 months ago 26 days and this time 24 days. I am 41 and have even questioned whether i am menopausal but my gp said that because my mum and grandmother were both in their mid-fifties its unlikely to be that and my sister is 46 and is showing no signs either.
I have seen a gp twice, the first time 3 weeks ago and he has referred me for a routine abdominal ultrasound (still waiting for an appt to come through) he palpated my stomach and i felt no discomfort whatsoever and he thinks its muscuolskeletal. The second appt was last thursday as the pains had become worse and far more frequent, i saw a lovely lady gp this time who did a quick internal and she couldnt see anything, again palpated my stomach and again no tenderness. I had been suffering with constipation (not unusual as ive always had it!!!!) anyway she's done a tumour marker test, i think to put my mind at ease as she was aware of my fears of ovarian and cervical cancer. She doesnt think its muscular as it wouldnt carry on for 6 weeks, but instead feels its probably IBS.
I'm so confused (and not to mention worried about the impending blood test result) that i havent been sleeping properly for a few weeks, waking up constantly through the night. Last night i woke with strong palpitations, my heart was beating like the clappers, this in turn sent me in to panic mode especially as my blood pressure is stupidly high at the moment (white coat syndrome i think!!!) I snapped at my 3 children this morning which reduced my 9 yr old daughter to tears. I seem to be ridiculously snappy all the time recently which i hate, but to see her little face crumple this morning made me feel really selfish.
Sorry for the very long post, just getting it off my chest i suppose, i dont want to go back to the doc again as i feel like there's nothing to be gained but ive been wondering today if perhaps my oestrogen levels have taken a dip for some reason???? :weep:

10-03-14, 17:48
We all have those moments as mothers. It's okay we are human and you know kids can get sensitive all of a sudden. I can yell at my daughter all day and she laughs or ignores me then another time I will just ask her to stop and she will cry. After the birth of my son I had some strange symptoms in that area. May I ask how young your youngest is?

10-03-14, 19:28
I have 3. My son is nearly 12 and two daughters, 9 and 5. My 9 year old can be a sensitive soul but my youngest is a little live wire, she's very full on but a sweetheart all the same.

10-03-14, 21:15
Hiya how's your pain now? When do you get your blood test results? I'd be a nervous wreck too. What do your pains feel like? Mine is like a pulling sensation, from pelvis going towards ribs, I'm just fed up of worrying : ( x

10-03-14, 21:24
We all do this! I know what you mean, when you're mind is full of worry and you just want to crawl under the duvet and not think about anything, it just tips you over the edge to have a hectic child to deal with too. I've been too harsh to my little one too on occasion and when I'm panicking I can't hold him which he doesn't understand. But they have blessedly short memories and hey, you're mum. You're the best even if you do snap occasionally! My son always appreciates a cuddle, biscuit and a cartoon and all is forgotten : )

Good luck with your tests x

11-03-14, 09:30
Hi Maybrooke, I expect the results should've back in today as they did the test Thursday evening, she said if I don't hear anything then it's clear, not sure I've even got the nerve to ring and ask, I might wait and hope they don't ring me!!!!
The pains are odd, sometimes very sharp stabbing pains and sometimes a pulling pain but never last more than a second or two but they're certainly increasing in terms of duration and intensity. Ibuprofen or voltarol don't make a difference and they are still going anywhere between the top of my thigh/groin to my pelvic bone/ovary area with the occasional feeling under my right rib.
My anxiety has kicked in with a vengeance and I've had to take my propranolol to ease the racing heartbeat.
How are your pains now? Are they still there and how long have you had the for now?
Thank you to the others of you that replied, I making a real conscious effort not to snap at the children (sadly my husband doesn't seem to be escaping my wrath ;-/

11-03-14, 18:24
Hiya they say no news is good news & I'm sure they would of phoned u sooner if anything was wrong. My pain is still their, it feels like a pulling sensation when I stand up, turn over in bed & discomfort to lye on my stomach, I do get some of the symptoms u get too, I'm thinking I might have an ovarian cyst or something worse, just so fed up of worrying & the thought I've going through a load of test & waiting for results makes me terrified. Did have routine blood tests last year & abdominal scan that checks liver, kidneys, gallbladder , that showed up gallstones.. Blood tests were ok. X x

11-03-14, 20:57
Hi maybrooke I bit the bullet and rang the surgery as I had to chase up the scan appt, anyway the blood test results are clear which is such a massive relief and I have my scan next Tuesday but I'm certainly feeling more easy about it now. I'm thinking it's probably a cyst or something. Only time will tell. I'll keep you posted but in the meantime please try not to worry too much, theirs probably a simple explanation to it all for us x

11-03-14, 21:32
Aww that's great news, I bet u feel a weight has been lifted : ) yes keep me updated pls x x