View Full Version : Hi from Devon

10-03-14, 18:18
David from Devon here. I'm going through a really bad patch at the moment. It started with realising a few weeks ago that I'd lost weight, about 6/7 pounds. I've always been about 11st 3lb for years so this really threw me of balance. This plus plenty of stress started a bout of daily panic attacks.

It got so bad last week, I visited my GP who prescribed 80mg Propanolol slow release. I've taken these most days but to be honest I still get the shakes pretty much all day long. I've also lost my appetite completely in the last couple of weeks and have to force food down each day.

I have a history of panic attacks which started in my early 20's when my dad died. Since then, I've suffered from bouts lasting a few days to several weeks. There's no doubt though that the current bouts are the worst yet. I'm lucky enough to be self-employed but running a one-man Internet business can be a lonely experience.

Any tips to help me through this would be much appreciated.

10-03-14, 19:05
Hi and :welcome: to the forum your in the right place

10-03-14, 19:35
Hello and welcome David sorry your having a rough time at the moment ,have you ever had cbt ,go back to see your gp tell to referr you it can really help also tell him the medication isnt doing anything for you there are plenty more meds he could prescribe you good luck x

10-03-14, 22:56
Hi David. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.