View Full Version : Getting the doctors to listen

10-03-14, 18:39
Hi all,

Been good with my HA so far, a few blips concerning my heart but nothing a bit of Rennie couldnt solve :)

Anyway, since the start of all this ive been having such trouble getting the doctors im seeing to listen to me and help me feel secure about things. Im getting better slowly but some of my physical symptoms have got worse.

1) Ive been having problems with my ears and my head. Since day one and before that ive been in constant pain in my head and ears. My doctors insist theres nothing there and keep giving me either OTC meds or urging me to go on anti-depressants. My balance is a problem and the cracking, clicking and pain is just unbearable. Ive had momentary hearing loss in my right ear and constant tinnitus.

2) My disorientation is still there and ive noticed when im walking and stop i.e to catch the lift. my vision goes funny, almost like the pattern of the object is moving even though the object and i are stationary. I feel like im slightly drunk all the time.

I have mentioned all these things to at least 5 or 6 doctors now and no one is giving me any explanation or wants to help me find the cause (if any)

I really want them to give me some tests but they think because of my age and low risk, theres no point.

Has anyone had similar problems with their doctor and can advise me on how to push them or how to get them to pay attention to me rather than reading "anxiety" on my chart and fobbing me off with pills?

10-03-14, 18:43
All of these symptoms could be caused by anxiety.

If you really want the tests you could always get a second opinion, but I think that if doctor after doctor tells you that you aren't physically ill, you'll have to try and accept it - therapy is the answer here, although you are within your rights to refuse anti-depressants if you would prefer not to take them. They won't order tests unless they actually suspect there's something wrong, and I'm cynical that an anxiety diagnosis would sway them too much, as all my doctors have put me through billions of tests with my physical symptoms, because if they suspect the possibility of any other disorder (I guess my stuff has sounded physical sometimes) they like to double check.

I hope none of that sounds harsh, as I appreciate you're really worried about this.

10-03-14, 19:01
Hi Emma,

I'm sorry you're having a tough time :( One thing you might consider is being checked concerning TMJ. It can cause some of what you're feeling and is somewhat common with anxiety sufferers.

I do have to side with the doctors here concerning anything sinister. It's not in their best interest to "fob you off". If they were to miss a diagnosis it could come back to bite them big time. Six doctors can't all be wrong. If there's no physical reason to order more testing then they won't. Certainly you can seek out another doctor but if six have all said the same thing, I can't imagine a seventh will find anything different.

I know it's hard to accept, but it probably would be in your best interest to see someone about and treating your anxiety. Anxiety causes real physical symptoms and they're frightening to say the least.

Positive thoughts

10-03-14, 19:04
Thanks for your reply harasgenster,

Im starting to accept the anxiety now and the diagnosis of each doctor (two of the doctors were in a&e) my regular doctors (i live away from home at uni so i have one at home and one in my uni town) seem to be getting agitated with me . I went to get another opinion about my ears, since they seem to be getting worse, and this lady believes that i may have a eustatian tube problem...... which not one of the other doctors mentioned before as even a possibility even though i've had the problem since day 1.

So, i'm a bit annoyed really. Im trying not to be a pain in the bum, but i need to nip this in the bud. Not only is this affecting my work but i cant 'move on' unless im sure that theres nothing there.

Sorry for moaning but i just want to feel better.

10-03-14, 19:07
Thanks for your reply harasgenster,

Sorry for moaning but i just want to feel better.

You're not moaning at all, it's horrible feeling like that, and I really feel for you. It must be very difficult to believe that everything is fine when you feel bad. I'm lucky not to have suffered with HA, but I can relate to the feeling that you want 'certainty', as often that's what I crave.

I also remember when I was around your age going to a doctor when I was agoraphobic, but being so embarrassed to tell him I was too scared to go outside (because I had managed to get to the doctor's office so I thought he'd think I was lying) that I explained it really badly and he thought I was just trying to get out of my exams!! It can be really, really frustrating if you feel like the doctors don't understand what you're going through. Don't just settle for a rubbish one, by the way, find one that really understands anxiety.

The best advice I ever got was to take risks. Perhaps the perceived 'risk' you see in accepting the doctors' advice will be one you will be able to take when you feel ready.

Do seek out therapy, as I found it really, really, really helpful. Way better than anything else, in my opinion (though everyone's different...)

10-03-14, 19:09
Hi fishmanpa,

Your advice has really been helpful and i really appreciate your advice.

I have put to bed most of my sinister fears such as cancer or brain tumours with the help of therapy and im making strides in that department.

I should have mentioned that two of the doctors were a&e doctors, who treated me when i first had panic attacks and didnt know what was going on and the second time when my muscles seized up and i couldnt move at all.

My two regular doctors (i apologize 4 in total) know all of my symptoms, how long they have been there for and know full well that my ears and head have caused me the biggest problems. OTC meds have not worked and i reacted badly to anti-depressants.

All i want is for someone to explain things to me instead of saying,
"take this tablet, see if it works the come back to me"

10-03-14, 19:17
Emma, this is the root of HA, always wanting certainty. We can never have certainty in anything. It's something you need to work on.

The doctor you saw only thinks you have a eustachian tube problem. Did she suggest any follow up on this?

As Fishmanpa says, you do need to work on your anxiety, whether or not you are found to have an ear problem or not. I promise you that anxiety can make even mild symptoms feel far worse than they actually are.