View Full Version : hey there im back

11-03-14, 00:55
Hi everyone, hope you have been well.
I joined this website after a few months of suffering from anxiety, it was the best thing I did. Over a year I dealt with it, got off propranolol, and sure enough needed to log on less frequently.
Now, I lay here at 1am awoken for the second night in a row because my heart is pounding so hard like its going to jump out my chest....this seems familiar.
I need help, I know the symptoms, I know whats caused it. Still im freaked out. My last log on was 09/2012. Thats amazing, im happy I lasted this long and sad im back again!

Bambi x

11-03-14, 21:23
Hello bambi sorry to hear your not doing so good welcome back hopefully you will be back to feeling well before you no it x

11-03-14, 22:40
Nice to meet you Bambi, as you know this is just an amazing place for help and support.

All the best to you