View Full Version : Constant tummy discomfort scared it's cancer :((

11-03-14, 08:22
Hi all

Well I am back again after a few months away :(

During my period I began getting a tummy ache but not what I normally get with my periods.

However after finishing my period it is still there. It is mainly lower left side but can spread to higher just under ribs and more central. It sometimes feels like a dull boring ache but other times like the sort of tummy ache you get after eating something that upsets your tummy.

I have also lost my appetite I can still eat but almost feel sick and not as tempted by food as normal and I love my food normally.

I am worried that it is some sort of cancer as the pain/ache is always there even when I get up to go loo in the night. I know I am thinking about it a lot but that is because it is making me feel a bit poorly.

I have been suffering with back trouble too since December so now thinking this is connected.

Also my stools are always soft where as a year or so ago they were harder to pass.

Tho I haven't been to the doctors this time I went for something similar last November and always get told it's not cancer due to my age I am 28 but I KNOW it happens to young people so much.

I am yet again contemplating putting a private scan on my credit card, can't afford it but feel I need it :(((

11-03-14, 09:53
Sounds like IBS or good old constipation. The symptoms you describe are not unusual. Your nervousness makes it much worse. If the doctors aren't concerned you should not be. Cancer is extremely rare in someone your age. The doctors know the signs to look for. Try eating more fiber and see if that helps.

11-03-14, 10:13

I have almost exactly the same thing but my ache is always under my left rib cage- however, the pain is EXACTLY as you describe. My stools are also alot softer than they used to be. I'm 32 so not too much older than you and I'm ALWAYS told by my doctor that it's IBS and anxiety. I find that difficult to accept and it's eating me up to be honest. Things are particularly bad at the moment as I have had strong antibiotics and they have really messed my tummy up...

Don't know what to do really but I just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone in your symptoms xxx

11-03-14, 14:49
Thank you for replying

Mine has been particularly bad under my left rib/centre today. It is really getting me worried I have also had pain in the tops of my legs.

11-03-14, 16:02
I've been getting the exact same thing! I am not one to swallow the anxiety causes all bowel issues thing but after I had spoken to my doctor yesterday, I felt better than I had done in weeks. I'm back to feeling crap today but still...I've had time to wind myself up.

I don't know what to suggest either! I'm kind of looking for the same help...

11-03-14, 16:11
I know I am getting worked up feeling sick too.

It's just always there. I went out for lunch today and pushed myself to eat a 3 course meal as I didn't want getting full quickly to be a symptom.

I have booked in for doctors Thursday but they never listen.

What did you doctor say?

11-03-14, 16:25
My doctor was very sweet and sympathetic. I had a good cry...Basically I've been going to her for bowel cancer anxiety for nearly 3 years. It started when I had this sensation under my left rib all that time ago and out of nowhere I became convinced I had cancer. I went through loads of gp's and had blood tests, ultrasounds, x rays and a rectal exam and all were fine. I then had CBT and was on sertraline until I got pregnant at the end of 2011. I was fine until the end of 2012 when I was constipated and then suffered a couple of episodes of rectal bleeding. As you can imagine I was straight back down again and went back to my gp and she gave me a higher dose of sertraline, identified an anal fissure and then packed me back off for more CBT. I was fine again until a couple of weeks ago when I was given antibiotics for an infection (I had to have a termination at 20 weeks of pregnancy as the baby was very ill) which messed up my digestive system and I'm not much better after stopping them. My doctor says that the antibiotics I was on are notorious for stripping the gut of good bacteria so it's normal that I'm going through what I am. She also thinks that the grief over the lost baby is manifesting itself through my HA. It's all very reasonable but...I just can't buy it. I want to try to get pregnant again soon so can't go back on my medication and now I've had two rounds of CBT which haven't worked, I have to look at an alternative long term therapy which isn't available on the NHS...

So that's my sorry tale...

11-03-14, 17:18
I've been going through many of the same symptoms. The pains I get are in my lower abdominal and are on and off. Mostly on the left side. I get lots of bloating, gas, discomfort, and feel the same way about food as you do. It also happened around my period.

I'm really putting it down to IBS, so I got these peppermint oil capsules that work great and my stomach feels a lot better after taking them since Sunday.

My other thought was it could be a ovarian cyst. Don't be worried, cysts are very common in and for the most part go away after a few cycles of your periods. They can cause a lot of the same symptoms.

Take care x

11-03-14, 18:14
I am really sorry to hear of that Button that must have been a very sad time for you :(

I just can't seem to find a reasonable explanation for my symptoms. The tummy pains actually make me feel sick and sometimes feels like I have a lump in my throat. The dull ache is always there but I don't get why it moved from low to high and sometimes is quite sharp.

I am not as bad with my ha as I used to be so tho I am constantly fretting over it I don't get in such a mess like I used to. I have quite a lot of discharge at the moment almost like ovulation but having only just come off my period a few days ago I don't normally ovulate so soon. I have heard a lot about pancreatic cancer lately and bowel cancer so those as well as ovarian cancer are my worried I do have a lot of the symptoms :(

11-03-14, 18:16
I keep getting pain in my pelvis that extends to under my right ribs, it feels like a pulling sensation that hurts when I stand up, turn over in bed or lye on my stomach , keep thinking I might have an ovarian cyst or something worse : (( does anybody have these symptoms?

11-03-14, 18:49
Kirstynic it was very sad. And to be honest alot of the grief is kind of just surfacing. I already have an 18 month old and we went straight back to normal for his sake but I think it means I've surpressed alot.

Anyway, we're so similar in our stories in other ways, I'm also nowhere near as bad as I was (I lived at my gp surgery and the hospital a couple of years ago) and I've also worried about pancreatic cancer especially as one of the receptionists in my office died of it recently.

What do you think you'll do about your symptoms? And your anxiety?

Maybrooke- it sounds quite muscular?

---------- Post added at 18:49 ---------- Previous post was at 18:48 ----------

Kirstynic, let me know what your doc says about soft stools. My doc really brushed that off and of everything it's what's bothering me most x

11-03-14, 19:09
Yes May Brooke I think it sounds muscular.

I will see what doctor says but they normally brush me off. The soft stools are horrible, tmi but always so much wiping needed?!

If I had my way I be having all sorts of examinations and scans etc. pancreatic cancer has such bad statistics so that scares me and ovarian cancer is normally discovered late.

I know age plays a part but does happen in young women so that don't stop my fears xxx

11-03-14, 20:09
It doesn't stop mine either as it does happen so why not to me?

I agree on the stools! Yuckxxx

12-03-14, 07:17
How are you feeling today? Xxx

12-03-14, 08:43
Hey! I'm ok, no pain but a bit of acid, scared to go to the loo as usual...considering another docs appointment. Though I know they won't do anything and in reality I'm too scared to ask for anything major in case they really do find anything.

How are you? X

12-03-14, 09:20
When I originally had similar pains I had a private scan of ovaries and stomach and all was well. The scan cost £60 and put my mind at rest. Later I had a colonoscopy and they diagnosed diverticular disease. Would you be able to afford a private scan and this would put your mind at rest.

12-03-14, 09:49
My pains are generally on the upper left side which I think rules out that condition?

12-03-14, 09:50
Hi I am ok pain is still there but atm not as bad a yesterday. Don't help I am always thinking about it. Don't get how it can hurt in such a large area from my ovaries to my ribs?! It's good your pain is not there the fact it isn't constant is a good thing. I have doctors tomorrow and know I will get no where I will babble and confuse her, it's hard to describe it to a doctor as when you say it out loud you feel crazy. I think I will be sent for a blood test and this always sends me into panic, my results are never normal and I hate waiting for results.

I have paid for scans before when my anxiety was really bad but I don't want to if I can help it, as it's like giving in to my anxietys and spending money we don't have. I am hoping I will get my pain and worries across well to the doctor tomorrow and will try push for a scan but I know it is unlikely I will succeed unless they are worried to xxx

12-03-14, 10:26
I've had very loose stools this morning. I've read loads about the effects antibiotics have on your intestines and know this does happen and I'm sure the anxiety doesn't help but I'm really on the brink now. I just don't know that I can live like this, trapped between wanting to know but being too scared to find out. I've made an appointment to see my GP but I can't get in until 24th :weep:

Kirstynic, I gave up worrying about sounding crazy a long time ago! I figure it's best to get everything out so the GP knows how worried I am and exactly what physical symptoms I'm experiencing, then they have the full picture. x

12-03-14, 11:18
Pain is back to constant around left rib area. Also feel like I have a lump in my throat that is making me feel a bit sick.

Oh that's a little while to wait till your appointment things may ease up by then.

Your loose stools are probably down to your anxiety and the anti biotics they do that a lot.

I will try not to sound to crazy tomorrow but I have this habit of always putting on a brave face or a front so sure doctors look at that and feel I am not that bad

12-03-14, 11:35
I'm all about the brave face at the moment! No one even knows that my anxiety is back, with the exception of my GP.

I wonder if there's a posibility that you have an ulcer?

12-03-14, 11:40
I don't know don't know the symptoms but I just don't feel good so tired to and loss of appetite that never happens with me

12-03-14, 12:23
This comes from the NHS website:

The most common symptom of a stomach ulcer is a burning or gnawing pain that develops in your abdomen (tummy). The pain can also travel up to your neck, down to your navel (belly-button) or through to your back.
The pain associated with a stomach ulcer is caused by the ulcer itself and stomach acid that comes into contact with the ulcer and irritates it.
The pain can last from a few minutes to a few hours.
You may find pain starts soon after eating a meal. If the ulcer is in your small intestine (duodenal ulcer), pain may start two to three hours after eating so it may wake you up during the night.
Eating more food and taking antacids (http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/antacid-medicines/Pages/Definition.aspx) (indigestion medication) can often help relieve the pain of a duodenal ulcer, but not usually the pain of a stomach ulcer.
Less common symptoms of a stomach ulcer include:

indigestion (http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Indigestion/Pages/Introduction.aspx)
heartburn (http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Gastroesophageal-reflux-disease/Pages/Introduction.aspx)
loss of appetite
being sick

12-03-14, 12:29
Please note none of us are doctors and it's not in anyone's best interest to assume what someone or even ourselves, has nor to try and diagnose via the internet. This is best left to medical professionals.

Positive thoughts

12-03-14, 12:29
Thank you for dong that

I guess my pain doesnt come and go and doesnt seem worse with eating. It is more of a pain that is always there sometimes a oain or dull ache. Whatever it is it seems to be getting worse and getting me more worried :(

12-03-14, 12:37
Sorry, I wasn't trying to diagnose at all, it's just comforting to have something in your mind that's not screaming 'cancer'...at least I find that anyway. I thought it might help keep you sane until you do see your doctor tomorrow.

12-03-14, 12:39
Its ok button I know and appreciate your help will see what doctor says tomorrow x

12-03-14, 13:21
Good luck Kirstynic! Keep me updated x

12-03-14, 18:57
Hi I've been suffering from very similar symptoms but was managing my HA quite well. Was booked into my local hospital for endoscopy on Monday but they have transferred the appointment to another larger hospital in the next county. For some reason this has again heightened my anxiety and made symptoms worse!

12-03-14, 19:01
Mines is the same aching, like I've eaten something bad but it never comes to anything.. Almost colicky!

12-03-14, 19:17
Kirstynic your symptoms sound very similar to mine from ovaries to ribs except mine is the right side, like a dull ache, pulling feeling, I'm holding my right side all the while, I've had the marina coil for 6 years so don't know if this is contributing to my pain, I really do think I have a cyst or something, I did have some hormone tests last year, don't know if that would of shown anything up. X

12-03-14, 19:17
I am sure it is pancreatic cancer. I have the pain, loss of appetite and some other symptoms. I don't know how to talk to the doctor tomorrow about this always so dismissive because of age.

Yet someone younger then me has just died from it!

Be more aware or symptoms but what good is that when doctors don't listen

12-03-14, 19:56
Have you had liver function tests? I was worried I had this type of cancer but was reassured when liver tests came back fine.

12-03-14, 20:03
Yes I agree with wellornot they can tell from liver function test if something isn't quite right, then they would refer you for more tests. X

12-03-14, 20:16
no is this included in the basic blood test or is it a seperate thing?

13-03-14, 10:38
Well have seen doctor. She is sending me for blood tests which I am now in waiting room to have done.

She doesn't know what it could be, she is testing bloods for

And anti-TTg which is to do with celiac

I mentioned pancreas and she said that is where my pain is. Great for my pancreatic cancer worry :(

She said she would wait on ultrasound and then that may point us in a direction to investigate further as if I had a ultrasound she would be unsure what one I would need as they wouldn't want to scan both areas!

So now I wait, have an appointment with a different doctor next Wednesday when hopefully they will have my bloods back :(

---------- Post added at 10:38 ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 ----------

I forgot to say about my shoulder and leg pains :( tho don't know if it would make a difference.

13-03-14, 11:08
Did you see your normal GP? It doesn't sound like she's very clued up at dealing with health anxiety! Or that she has a particulalry good bedside manner...I had exactly the same as you two years ago and it had nothing to do with my pancreas. I have the same now and no one has suggested it is related to that so don't worry too much x

13-03-14, 11:13
No she was better then I thought and testing for more on blood test. I did nearly break down but held it together. I don't make my ha obvious at appointments it is better then it was a few years back I would have already booked and paid for a private scan but for now will wait and worry x