View Full Version : Fell over :((

11-03-14, 19:40
Evening ... Not been on here much as really trying to get hold of this HA
I'm so protective of myself as I have doctor fear(which I'm getting ready to address) and HA so I try my hardest not to do anything to cause me to need a hospital/doctor visit!!!!
So I thought if would be fun to scooter up the lane with the kids haha no fun at all the handle bars came off I was left with the bottom of the stunt scooter under my feet yup straight over onto my left side around ribs bloody having big pre-menstrual boobs didn't help the fall damn things seemed to go the wrong way haha!!
So wasn't to winded but have a heavy painful feeling on ribs and around left breast and it hurts to move in certain positions... I'm pretty sure nothing's broken as I can breath deeply, bit tender mind you, I was shaken up shivering etc but had some ibuprofen and nice warm bath I know I'm gonna be sore as hell in the morning so pre rang work to say I wouldn't be in tomoro eve, I work with dementia patients,.
Think I just need a few kind words and reassurance that I haven't caused a life threatening injury and have in reality just had a wee bad fall and brushed and strained the muscles around my left breast and ribs ;)
Kate xx

11-03-14, 20:11
Aww sorry to hear you have hurt yourself you need to just relax do nothing ,it shakes you up and I no you said you dont like doctors but if it gets worse you should get it checked ,I dont like doctors hospitals myself suppose its are anxiety but sometimes we need to gp hope you feel better soon take care x

11-03-14, 20:17
You have done the right thing taking painkillers and having a warm bath. Make sure you rest. We do silly things sometimes don't we :D When my son was little I had a go of his pogo stick thing (the ones with a big ball on the end) I snapped the handle on that :(

11-03-14, 20:27
Sorry to hear about your spill but it's good you can laugh about it (I admit I had a little chuckle visualizing the look on your face when the handle bars came off and the pre-menstrual boobs part ~lol~).

So yeah, you're gonna be sore for a while but as you said, nothing's broken, just a little bruised. Just be glad no one had a camera! From the sound of it, it would have been a top candidate for a fail video!

Feel better and positive thoughts

11-03-14, 21:40
I too am really sorry about your fall, but I have to say that you've written your post with such humour and fun that I couldn't help but chuckle. I've been feeling a bit fed up today and you have lifted my mood, thank you.

That aside, I think you have a soft tissue injury, it will probably hurt for a while, discolour and then harden a little. If it does get any worse though perhaps have a telephone consultation with your GP? Oh, and secure the handle bars on the bike.

I hope you're better soon :hugs: xx