View Full Version : Onwards and Upwards

11-03-14, 21:23
Been using this site for a couple of months and found it a great source of support. Am just coming through a latest bout of panic and anxiety with symptoms ranging from palpatations to a wet leg sensation! Suffered from HA for as long as I can think but this time I really dipped and went even further into my irrational thought. Not quite sure how I got to it but I woke up a couple of weeks ago and just thought 'enough'! I am a young single mother of two and I figured if I didn't sort it now, it will continue to affect my life gor even longer. Am taking propranolol which helped massively, signed up for cbt and began a meditation class. I told all my closest people what was happening..something I hadnt done before.
I feel so much better...it's still there but I am likening it to a dimmer switch and for the last two weeks it has been turned down!

I refuse to let this rule me but I have accepted it is part of me and I guess this is part of the process...Onwards and Upwards x

11-03-14, 21:26
Awesome post, Marie!!!

If you haven't, check out any of the works by Dr. Claire Weekes. REALLY helpful!!!

11-03-14, 21:33
Thank you! Thought it was important to post the positive stuff whenI had gained so much support during the difficult times. I haven't read her book but did download an app that I found when I searched for her..found it a great source of support particularly the audios. X

11-03-14, 21:49
Hi Marie, good to hear such a great attitude. This is the type of post I love, it gives me hope that this can be beaten.

I've been really bad with HA for the last month, but the last few days I've also thought "enough!" I'm almost 52, (a young 52 I'm told) and I refuse to let this damned panic and anxiety ruin my life any longer. I don't know how much life I have left, none of us do, but I refuse to let this rule me any longer.

I'm going to do all my valued things, and if anxiety wants to hang around it's going to damn well have to come with me, but it's not going to control me anymore.

11-03-14, 22:01
Great news Marie! This is exactly where I am right now. I am also a single mom of 2 little ones. Cheers and congratulations!

11-03-14, 22:05
That's great to hear! One of things I thought was 'what if I am ill?' I would fight, live with it, whatever but I am currently not really living and by all accounts there is nothing wrong with me!! It just seemed crazy. The meditation is really helping as well. I am not niave enough to think its cured but definitely feel better equipped to deal with it x

11-03-14, 22:48
Great post! It's all about attitude isn't it? No matter what we face ;)

Positive thoughts