View Full Version : Hello from the U.S.!!

12-03-14, 01:24
Hello everyone,

My name is Hannah, I'm from a small town north of Boston, Massachusetts. I've had panic attacks since I was 13, I am now 18. I am terrified of driving on the freeway/highway and it has made life difficult. I often have panic attacks on the freeway, which is a pretty scary experience, not to mention embarrassing. Sadly, where I live, commuting on the highway is something everyone has to do.

I don't want my fear of highway driving to prevent me from pursuing a career (radiologic technology). I'd like to meet others who understand how scary panic attacks can be (especially behind the wheel).

Sometimes my panic attacks make me feel very alone, I want to be able to do "normal" things that young adults do, take my friends into the city, get a decent job.

your friend from the U.S.

Catherine S
12-03-14, 01:36
Hi there, there are quite a few members here from USA so you're not alone with that. I can relate to your motorway/highway fears because I feel the same. Ive been told I'm a really good driver, but I refuse to drive on a motorway...no way Jose! Motorways make me feel trapped, as in you have to wait at least 15 to 20 miles before the next exit if you feel you can't cope! But this has been a lifelong fear of mine and don't know how to overcome it, but wanted to share it so you know you're not alone with it.

12-03-14, 01:55
Glad I'm not the only one. Highways make me feel trapped as well. My mom always tells me highways aren't that much more dangerous than two-way roads, but it's not the actual danger that scares me, it's that i have to wait for the next exit rather than being able to get off the road right away.

I'm constantly trying to find alternate routes to avoid the highway, although it usually takes a good hour or two longer .

I'm fine if I have my dad in the passenger's seat with me, but I get so anxious driving the highway alone.

12-03-14, 18:38
Hi Hannah. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

12-03-14, 19:05
Hello and welcome you will find lots of good help and support here I certainly have x

12-03-14, 19:14