View Full Version : Is this anxiety or depression? Not knowing is causing me to panic.

12-03-14, 06:27
I was having anxiety about a month ago and my doctor prescribed me Luvox.. I've been having panic attacks, depersonalization and a plethora of other strange feelings as side effects since taking this drug..

At the end of week three, I decided to try and get ahold of him to tell him what was going in. He still has yet to respond to the messages I have left with his nurse and it's going on 6 days.

I decided to cold turkey the Luvox after having only been on it for 3 weeks.

Now.. Strangely.. I'm not having my usual anxiety symptoms, which is constant manual breathing.. I've always focused on that, so that has always been anxiety to me..

Now.. All I can feel is.. An odd sensation of dread or just an overall feeling of being unsettled. I suddenly feel very lonely and disconnected. Being around the people that I love causes me no comfort and I suddenly want to get out in the world, but regardless of how many people I'm around, I still feel very alone..

I wouldn't say that I have normal depression symptoms, but I've never really suffered with depression.. But I don't find interest or comfort in the things and hobbies I usually enjoy. I can't find any relaxation or calmness in anything that I do, especially at night..

I just feel.. not right, but I can't pin down WHAT it is, exactly.. I still feel anxiety over this, but it's the disconnect and loneliness that seem to overwhelm me.. My constant worries of "Will this feeling ever go away?" "Will I ever wake up feeling refreshed and calm again?" "Will I ever be able to enjoy life again?" "What is causing this?" Etc, etc.

I also have a fear of EVERYTHING.. Even very small things that don't matter.. Being alone up in my room.. Taking a shower.. Being inside the house.. It's a little easier during the day and if I'm outside.

I just want to know what is going on with me. I don't understand this feeling I am having.. Are these withdrawl symptoms of cold turkeying the Luvox? Although I started feeling this way while ON the Luvox, hence why I decided to quit them.. Only been off of them for 5-6 days or so.

It seems like my anxiety ALWAYS has a way of convincing me that I am alone in my problems, regardless of how many times I read about someone else having a similar issue.. I'm always convinced that my case is special, incurable, different somehow. And this of course causes even more obsession, worry, and anxiety. It's all one big vicious cycle.

Can anyone help me? :(

Edit: I'm also getting brain zaps and a general feeling of being lightheaded, but these don't really bother me.

12-03-14, 12:44
Both depression and axiety go hand in hand, so it could be either or both.
When i was first showing signs of depression after being diagnozed with axiety i started on medication.
When i decided to stop taking them i experienced the same thing.
I found exercising most days and forcing my self to see friends and take part in activities eventually made the feelings go away.

12-03-14, 15:44
Wow... Couldn't sum up how I'm feeling enough to be honest!

Anxiety can make you feel very low, even depressed. My anxious/irrational/obsessive thoughts are what's causing me to feel low... I'm over-thinking & over analyzing everything!

Your constant state of anxiety can make you feel very disconnected, I feel it almost all day. I get horrible bouts of derealization & depersonalization. Your body is in the 'fight or flight' response mode which is causing all the anxiety/panic like symptoms, which in turn is making you feel scared of everything & making you sensitized to everything, also.

It could well be withdrawal symptoms, your best bet is to talk to a Doctor. :)

12-03-14, 17:55
Thank you. I'm feeling much better now that I was able to put my story out there and really talk about how I was feeling. And the two of you responding to me was the nail in the coffin.

My anxiety isn't fully beaten, but the constant "anxious/irrational/obsessive thoughts" as you described, Charlotte, have subsided. So thank you again. It really does help to know that you're not alone.

I know you've both probably heard this before, but.. This always goes away.. I know it's difficult to remember that amidst all of the chaos, but it ALWAYS goes away.. It can last for days, weeks, months, etc.. But you can conquer it.

When I get anxiety, I always get stuck in a constant 24/hr loop that just doesn't seem to give.. Took me about 4.5 weeks to get through this one, but I think I've finally made it to the top of the hill.

12-03-14, 18:34
It's nice to know there are people to talk to, even if all they do is read and type something to keep you going :)

12-03-14, 23:20
Thank you. I'm feeling much better now that I was able to put my story out there and really talk about how I was feeling. And the two of you responding to me was the nail in the coffin.

My anxiety isn't fully beaten, but the constant "anxious/irrational/obsessive thoughts" as you described, Charlotte, have subsided. So thank you again. It really does help to know that you're not alone.

I know you've both probably heard this before, but.. This always goes away.. I know it's difficult to remember that amidst all of the chaos, but it ALWAYS goes away.. It can last for days, weeks, months, etc.. But you can conquer it.

When I get anxiety, I always get stuck in a constant 24/hr loop that just doesn't seem to give.. Took me about 4.5 weeks to get through this one, but I think I've finally made it to the top of the hill.

I always feel better typing my problems out, I'm not very good at talking about my problems vocally so I tend to have rants on here haha. :D

Today I've been feeling so irritable, I've just had enough of feeling so anxious & panicky & having obsessive thoughts. I'm really struggling with positive thinking this week.. Last week I had a few days where I actually felt 'normal' this week definitely not, well so far. I've also come down with a sore throat so that's making me feel even more fed up & tired. I literally have no patience for anything, I'm getting so frustrated over little things. :unsure:

I've also realised that I'm feeling anxious over the thought of being anxious... Anticipatory anxiety. & That's annoying me. So I'm basically anxious for no apparent reason but my mind then tries to find a reason & then I get anxious over what reasons my mind finds. :wacko:

I'm also getting very anxious when I'm at home. I had a bad panic attack at home which has made me be fearful of my house & obsessional thinking kicks in. :/
Cor blimey, I'm so mentally drained. :wacko: