View Full Version : Weird heart attack symptoms

12-03-14, 06:50
Me again

So the past couple of days I have been experiencing some weird symptoms related to heart attacks or heart problems

I've had an on and off pain/weakness in the left arm, on and off jaw/ear pain, on and off stomach/back pain, and very very mild shortness of breath.

I've managed to not freak out about it, however tonight I suffered a panic attack while showering (which was absolutely horrible)

I know that heart attack symptoms are very similar to panic attack symptoms, but I remember from reading Dr Google that heart attack symptoms could present themselves days leading up to an actual attack. This has obviously got me in a panic.

Has anyone felt these symptoms before?

Little backstory: I'm 22, male, newly suffering from anxiety. My father had a heart attack when he was 50, so I guess I'm prone to heart problems, which also has me worried.

Also, I got my wisdom teeth extracted yesterday which definitely has added some anxiety, and jaw pain

12-03-14, 06:55
Well you've answers your own question about the jaw pain and probably all the rest in your last sentence.
I doubt it is any more than anxiety but I have all of the above and have the same concern so I'm not belittling you at all. Have you ever seen a dr and discussed your family history concerns?

12-03-14, 07:05
Just saw the doctor a couple weeks ago complaining of chest pain. He actually made me come in due to knowing my fathers situation and made me take an EKG which was normal.

I know that the odds are in my favor but sometimes it's just so hard to be sure when you feel like crap all the time.
I'm making an appointment for Friday to tell him about my recent panic attacks to see what he says.

Also I just took my blood pressure at home and got 127/84

12-03-14, 11:17
Sean, while no one here is a doctor and can diagnose you, it sounds as if you have answered some of your own questions. I have found that googling symptoms can be one of the worst things for my anxiety. I always look until I find some of the worst information, and that starts a long anxiety loop. Have you tried CBT? There is a great online course that is free. That has helped me immensely in controlling my irrational thoughts toward the physical symptoms of anxiety.