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12-03-14, 07:49
Hi there
I'm new to forums etc but feel I need to talk to others/get advice and support from others that feel the same as I do.
Let me start from the beginning as to how my health anxiety started -
I had a smear test which came back inconclusive and that sent me into total worry especially as they wouldn't repeat it for 3 months, I was convinced I had cancer because of this turns the nurse had used an out of date swap stick/tube hence it had to be redone.
To make matters worse and heighten the anxiety bought on by this during my 3 month wait I lost my best friend in the world my nan to this day I still struggle with losing her. After this ever ache pain symptom I get I panic and worry that it's the dreaded 'c' and I can't seem to shift that way if thinking I kept taking myself to a and e and to the doctors wheee I saw various docs who said I was being silly but when I finally saw my own gp he said ah straight away and had been supportive and listens to me
I had a suspected pe last year which sent my anxiety sky high but I felt I knew I was doing it and worrying so got over that flare up in a shorter time
This oe I had a c section 6 weeks ago, lost 2100ml of blood and since I've had pains in my shoulders arms legs groin had a full blood test last week all was normal except a slightly raised crp level which the doc reckons is probably an infection so am on anti biotics but silly me googled yet again. And bought up c again so now every ache and pain I have I'm convinced I have it
Any support or words of wisdom to help would really be appreciated as this is making my life hell
Also the doc suspects I may have fybromyalgia but not diagnosed yet

12-03-14, 10:13
Hi Weeble welcome on the forum. There are lot of people here suffering from health anxiety ! I have a similar story of health scare that sent me to the roof even after I had nothing to worry anymore.

12-03-14, 10:57
Welcome to NMP, Weeble. You will find a lot of people here who understand what you're feeling. Remember that the important thing is how we react to the physical symptoms of anxiety. Our feelings and out thought processes about the symptoms are the most important thing in controlling our anxiety. Good luck to you.