View Full Version : what do you do when yr having a dizzy spell

12-03-14, 12:59
J st want to no wen any of the suffers of dizzy spells do. Like it sets me into panic mode orb like I try to fight it straight away don't no how to sit back ignore or just let it happen it is a major problem with me the dizzy spell seem to be around such a lot even feel like I am walking off balance my eyes seem to be a problem as well as it feels like the just roll and make me dizzy I don't no wat is worse I can be sitting down it happens or standing to Kong make it happen I am aware my back shoulder and neck are so ferry tense all the time sorry for going on just want it to stop thanks guys x

12-03-14, 15:05
I always try to carry on as normal if I feel dizzy, I think it makes it worse if I give in to it.

12-03-14, 16:16
Yes it does but I find it hard to ignore it even if I carry on doing wat ever with the dizzy spell present I think it is a big major factor to a lot of oor fellow suffers whether it be panic ,anxiety, or h.a which ever the dizzy spells come into them all don't you think any thanks for yr reply x

12-03-14, 22:35
i feel the same way especially feeling like your eyes are going to roll into the back of my head which they never do. but i feel dizzy nearly all day unless im kept busy and im not thinking about it. im trying to find an answer too xx

blue moon
13-03-14, 23:44
I sit or lie down if I am home and do my breathing exercises,this helps me.

Petra :)

14-03-14, 18:30
Eat or drink something with sugar in it and sit down for a couple of mins.

Round in circles
14-03-14, 19:09
My dizzy spells usually coincide with near faints. I always end up having to kneel on the ground then lean forward and put my head on the floor. Looks stupid, but the only thing that seems to work for me.

14-03-14, 22:29
Thanks guys yep the eye thing sets me off feel like mine are rolling and makes me go dizzy take care all xxx

19-03-14, 00:23
I am so suffering from the exact thing right now.my eyes are
making me dizzy. I put my glasses in and off. I get the eye rolling
and then my heart races and mouth goes dry. My neck and shoulders are
so tight it hurts my ears and face. I know the heart racing is
my thoughts but really need to get a grip on these dizzy spells
or eye rolling. Deep breating helps. But boy I am so feeling the same

19-03-14, 01:01
Yeah I agree deep breathing seems to help when I have dizzy spells. I also tend to jam my face into the nearest air conditioner too