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12-03-14, 13:56

I've been writing a few posts here and there about my condition (latest fear is still a brain tumor of some sorts - I just can't shake the feeling), but feeling more and more that this can't go on anymore, and that I have to change something, starting with regular exercise.

So, I bought a pair of running shoes, and decided I'll start running every 2 or 3 days. The problem with this is, though, that the physical sensations of exercise are basically the same as when an anxiety attack hits - high BP, dizzines, fast HB, fatigue, adrenaline..., and so the body starts associating the symptoms with the panic attack. Mind you, I haven't exercised in half a year, so I'm REALLY out of shape, lol.

Can anyone relate? What are your experiences, how did you guys overcome this problem?

12-03-14, 14:25
Yes completely relate with this :(

12-03-14, 14:39
Hey I totally understand! I think I have HA, but not diagnosed yet as I'm still waiting for my appointment with Cbt, I have a massive fear and have convinced myself that I must have lung cancer or I have a tumour, in november last year I pulled my back out and was layed up in bed for several weeks but was prescribed tramadol, (sorry this is long winded) then one evening I had rapid hb so went to A&E they told me was ok stop taking the med an I'll be fine since then I've had rapid hb chest pain dizziness panic attacks etc etc I was prescribed citalopram for my anxiety an depression as I cry all the time in fear I'm terminally ill! But citalopram an valium haven't worked, I'm awaiting a appt for blood tests nex week that I have requested to prove to me I'm ok, my gp thinks I'm fine, but I have really bad chest pain an I'm vety scared, this is ruining my life, I find that exercise does help I walk quite a bit when I can get out of my bed but later on I suffer more due to the exercise, any suggestions people I'm in a bad place right now, jus need to mentuon I had bloodtests in january an they were fine!!! :( :(

12-03-14, 14:41
Yes, I've been there before, and yes it sucks lol. It's great that you're doing this though, you'll really feel the benefit of the exercise!

I was having trouble with fast heart rates, it turned out it was acid reflux making my heart run quicker and then my anxiety about it made it even worse. Around that time I was afraid of doing anything that would put my heart rate up, I used to check my pulse all the time. It's no longer a worry for me, I'm happy to say, it doesn't bother me in the slightest and in fact I enjoy that lovely rush of energy you get from exercise :)

Don't think that it's your body mistaking the adrenaline/exercise symptoms for anxiety - it's your mind & brain that are doing this! Basically in your anxious state you've trained your brain to be fearful of these symptoms, but it is possible to go back to being relaxed about it again. The anxiety will only take hold if you allow it to.

In a weird way it's like your brain will look for the fear, it's being vigilant and trying to keep you out of danger. If you remain calm, talk to yourself about how these feelings are only adrenaline, don't allow anxious thoughts to take hold, it will help you. So when you feel a rush of adrenaline say to yourself, it's OK, these are only hormones, I'm supposed to feel this way, I'm calm and happy about exercising.

If you find yourself analysing how you feel, or getting worried about symptoms, then bring your thoughts back to your body, your breath, your exercise routine, the feeling of your feet on the ground, the feeling of your body exercising. Distract yourself from the anxious thoughts.

It's the thoughts you have around exercise that are driving the anxiety. If you can learn to bring yourself out of them then it will really help. CBT can be good for this, but you can give what I outlined above a try.

You can also try introducing some relaxation techniques into your daily routine - they will engage your parasympathetic nervous system and help reduce the levels of stress hormones in your body, leaving you feeling calmer.

12-03-14, 15:22
Thankyou so much great words an I will use them many times to help me I just wish I was rid of this chest pain, some say its the first place anxiety hits us physically! I think maybe people are right, I am also terrible with indegestion, heartburn and trapped wind its awful an not very pleasent for anyone else ha! God I hate having anxiety, think we all wish for some miracle quick cure!!

12-03-14, 15:35
Hey - I have found that exercise has been a fantastic part of treating my anxiety..
I do however struggle a bit like you when I am exercising as I get a bit dizzy and a bit wobbly (Dizziness is my real pain in the arse symptom!) However I have learnt that you can blame a lot on exercise rather than anything else... So I get a chest pain and I can now go ah that's because I rowed at the gym yesterday rather than anything more serious...
Distracting yourself whilst exercising is also a good thing! SO rather than thinking how you feel do something else - yesterday I counted how many houses had daffodils - stupid but it really did work and I had a great run and felt great!

12-03-14, 16:59
Thank you for the input. I've got a little update.

So after this post i've been considering just not going out and just staying at home behind the computer, so there was a long moment of doubt. I decided anyway to go, so i've put my shoes on, and set myself some kind of a running program - I decided that i'll do 5 minute warm up walk, then start with 1 minute of jogging, 90 seconds of walking, and repeat it in my 2km route that I had planned in my neighborhood (kind of like a river path). So I did that a couple of times - there were weird moments when I had some trouble with breathing in enough oxygen (or so it felt like) and I could felt the panic attack under the surface forming, but I somehow came through. I guess I found some solace in the fact that I'm close to home, maybe?

Anyway, day 1 is down, tomorrow I'll raise the rhythm and run a bit faster and longer. Thanks for the encouraging words.

12-03-14, 17:08
Well done!

The more you do it, and get through it OK like today, the less you'll fear it. Push through it, you'll find you're much stronger than you think you are :)

12-03-14, 17:13
I had this problem where i would get excessive adrenaline when exercising making it feel really weird like a excessive chemical feeling felt very sick as well when i got to the top of a hill cycling it made me feel really ill chest tight chemical feeling and sick.
But now that seems to be going and i just feel normal sweaty a bit out of breath.
I guess it was the large amount of adrenaline caused by my Anxiety.

12-03-14, 18:29
Well done hunny, keep on like this and your on your way to some recovery :) :) :)