View Full Version : Had a bad weekend - need some advice :(

27-11-06, 14:47
Hey all,

As some of you may have read in my intro post - I've bought a flat with my long suffering boyfriend. We're on track to have the keys on the 15th Dec, and this should be a happy time - what with it being our first place together etc. But right now it so doesn't feel like it [Sigh...]

Obviously I've been getting quite excited about this for a while, we bought the flat when it was still a plan, and been looking forward to finally moving since June. Now however we're in to the last lap and I feel like I just want to hide in a cupboard and come out at xmas in to a new flat. With all these nerves and anxiety, my stomach has taken on a new lease of life as an olympic gymnast I think. Resulting in lots of time off work and trips to the doctors.

My doctor has dismissed it stating that its something i can control myself and theres nothing he can give me. Several years ago I was given tablets to control these anxious feelings - yet he's refusing to do it now. I'm off work again today, and feel so fed up with it. I think to myself I'm 22 ffs I should not be suffering with heartburn and nausea constantly every day. My phobia of being sick really isn't helping matters either.

I just want to know how to feel (a little) better - I'm just feeling so fed up - and my boyfriend is fed up of me losing weight!!!!

27-11-06, 15:13
Hi sorry your feeling so fed up.I would go back to your gp,or aske to see someone else.You may need somthing to get you through this stressful time.It is an exciting time but its also a very stressful time.;)

Ellen XX

27-11-06, 15:26
Sorry to hear you're having a tough time. I'd agree with Ellen re your GP....if he is simply being dismissive of your troubles then why not consider switching to a Doc more sympathetic to your trouble right now? Finding the right Gp ie. one who listens to you and your needs can be a major support for you and help you through any difficulties you may be having.

Hope things look up soon for you and try not to worry!


27-11-06, 17:29
Thanks guys, my mum is ordering me back to the GP this week - which I am going to do as all the symptoms will probably take a while to die down even after we move I'd imagine - things like this uaully do with me, and it would then probably ruin christmas.

I'm going to see if maybe this time he'll try the old medication again, as the reason he probably refused to last time was because they don't like handing out medication unless they really really have to.

When I move I'll be changing GP's anyway as I'm going to a new town so it may be worth checking up with them too once its all done and dusted.

I know deep down there's nothing wrong with me, I've just got myself all over excited again and need to find a way to calm down, cos right now I can't eat anything - which isn't good.

Will see how I'm feeling tomorrow I think - theres been sooo much going on lately, just need to pick myself off the ceiling :)

27-11-06, 19:12
Please try and see a DR who will help. In my case, I was able today to see my CBT, and then later to see my DR who has helped me. I'm sure another DR at the practice might be more helpful. I once saw a DR at my practice over one of my health worries, and he was at best unsympathetic. This approach might be helpful for some people, and it might quickly snap them out of things, but it didn't work for me.

Good self help advice is to take excercise - as long as there is no clinical reason not to. It uses up the excess adrenaline produced during panic attacks and helps to release the bodies natural happy chemicals the endorphins.
Another avenue i'm exploring is EFT - emotional freedom therapy, where you tap on different parts of your body whilst repeating affirmations. Some of the results seem outstanding.

I've only recently gone downhill during the last week after having quite a good year, and sometimes you need reminding of how much progress you have made. It's easy for me to give advice, it's just tricky following it myself!!

The future starts here

27-11-06, 22:42
I know what you mean by that, it all sounds good but when you have to try your own advice it never works lol!

Had a nice bath and feeling a bit better - can even feel sleep creeping up on me so fingers crossed :)

28-11-06, 17:34
Change your Doc Honey!!!

05-12-06, 19:38
Sorry for taking so long to let you know what happened but here goes!

Didn't go to the docs last week in the end, but I finally went today after another bad weekend.

Couldnt see my doctor as he was on holidays, but I saw a great lady doctor instead. I was told she was only a trainee, so was a bit anxious about that but she really was wonderful. She listened, and has given me the tablets that worked for me some years back.

If I'm still having problems in a month or so she's told me to go back and she would try some other possible routes to sorting the problem out.

All I have to do now is start gaining weight and break the cycle of thinking food is bad for me, but hopefully the tablets should help and i can eat properly again!