View Full Version : Hi I'm new :) Fed up with anxiety!

12-03-14, 15:41
Hello :)
Signed up today as I really feel I need to do something to try and help myself.
I have suffered with anxiety for what seems like forever. It's manifested itself in lots of different ways over the years. I find it very hard to admit to people other than family, as I'm so embarrassed people will likely think I'm insane. It escalated when I got older after numerous panic attacks whilst in secondary school. I dropped out of college a year early and decided to teach myself at home, I also had CBT which didn't work for me. :weep:

I'm now 20, and I feel I am probably not much better despite some achievements in life. I've missed out on so much just because of my anxiety, and also lost contact with all but a couple of friends, whom are miles away at uni anyway. I try to pretend that I am fine, but when an attack comes I realise I'm really not okay. On top of my anxiety I've had stomach issues to deal with- that may be IBS- since I was a child. This can also prevent me going out as I'm often in pain and it can make me feel weak. Had enough of being like this, I just want to be able to get about independently without relying on my parents. I want to learn to enjoy life, instead of feeling fearful each day.

I really hope I can talk to some other people on here that are struggling with similar problems to mine, and gain some great advice!

12-03-14, 18:30
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

12-03-14, 19:16

13-03-14, 12:57
Hi Cinnamon.

Today you have made a step to sorting things out!!! Sharing is not easy.

I deleted my first (and lengthy) post after realising I wasn't ready to share. It took me a while to post again but once I got the confidence to post, I could not stop!

I have suffered badly with IBS / loo issues caused by anxiety. I have to travel a lot with my work (or if we go away on holiday) and it makes train/plane journies a nightmare. I still have to have an aisle seat as I have to know that I can get to the loo as and when I want too. Crazy I know.

Anxiety can be crippling. It can stop you from going out and doing stuff, going places and meeting people.

I'm not saying that meds are the answer for you but since my return to my meds, I am now a lot more sociable again (I very much used to be) - I don't over-analyse so much and I definitely dont worry so much.

CBT worked for me - not sessions with people but reading. I read at my own pace and re-read when I needed too. That really helped me.

Nice to meet you, please keep us updated.

13-03-14, 18:35
Hi :welcome: to the forum

14-03-14, 09:34
Thank you everyone for the welcoming replies :)