View Full Version : hello everyone

michael galway
12-03-14, 16:42
hi my names michael , im new here :) im 26 and have had social anxiety for about 10 years and its left me with no friends no job etc. so its quite depressing , i tried a few different meds like effexor and mirap but didnt help at all :weep: i was given Lyrica 75mg today by my gp and i hope for the best and ill give it a few weeks to see how it goes , i advise anyone thinking about effexor to stay clear of it , looks like a good site with lots of info :yesyes: well thats me anyway :D

12-03-14, 16:46
:welcome: i hope you find this site useful. I have done so, and its got me through some dark days, thanks to some amazing people on here. Just know that your not alone, and there is always someone here to listen to you.

12-03-14, 18:38
Hi Michael. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

I agree with you regarding the venlafaxine, I took duloxetine, which is the same class of drug and found it way too strong, especially the side effects.

I think you'll find the pregabalin a lot more tolerable.

12-03-14, 19:06
Hello and welcome Micheal you will find lots of help and support here x

12-03-14, 19:12

12-03-14, 19:29
Hi :welcome: to the forum.

michael galway
13-03-14, 10:39
Thanks for the welcome and the kind words i really appreciate it :)

14-03-14, 14:50
Hi, welcome

I've been on Effexor for over 10 years and it has worked well for me. Of course there are side effects but aren't there always. I hope this new med works for you and quickly. I've always been told that there is a thick book of anti deps, there is something to suit everyone.
Good luck with it