View Full Version : A smile goes a long way.....

12-03-14, 18:46
This morning I woke feeling a little out of sorts, slightly panicky, racing heartbeat and the wonder of if these actions would get the better of me and send me spiralling. I then told myself that I would try and make myself smile throughout the day.
I met up with a friend and whilst I did briefly discuss my present symptoms with her, in the back of my mind I still had the smiling mantra. I smiled which in turn turned to laughter which in turn greatly lifted my mood!!! I could still feel the odd little niggles of pain but because I was distracted they didn't seem half as bad.
Tomorrow I have set a goal of not trying to self-diagnose the reasons behind my stomach pains and inflict my 'theories' of what's causing them on anyone else, I'm hoping it will be a positive step, possibly not a big one but a step all the same. If I fail, I will try again, I will also have a go at the smiling technique again too. I truly believe it helped today. :):)

12-03-14, 18:49
This is a great tip and one that truly works. Laughter truly is great medicine!
Make it a point to hit up Youtube and search comedy and get a good laugh whenever you feel stressed.

Positive (and funny) thoughts

12-03-14, 18:52
This is the way to slay the dragon!! A battle plan, follow through, and self love for successes (and even for setbacks).

Good job, and thank you so much for sharing such a positive post!

12-03-14, 18:54
Thank you Fishmanpa, I will take a look at you tube. X

12-03-14, 18:56
Positive thinking, well done.

12-03-14, 19:02
I think there's a lot to be said for self praise in situations such as these too. Tomorrow won't be easy as I will be at work and I work alone so it's very easy for me to become embroiled in my own mind wandering thoughts but I hope to wake with enough determination to see it through. I can get through this, I've done it before and the key is not beating myself up if I have a bad day but to try again the following. X