View Full Version : New Seroxat user

12-03-14, 20:34
I'm a 20-year-old student who's had depressive episodes for a year now. I've always had stress-related problems and they would have an impact on my digestive system. So most of the time I experience a lot of pain in my guts and a lot of intolerable nausea. My anxiety has been growing and I sometimes get a panic attack when I'm feeling nauseous.
A year ago, I started a treatment on Cypralex and then my psychiatrist noticed ADD signs so he started me on Strattera too. My body wasn't very accepting of the latter so I stopped it and I continued taking Cypralex. After 4 or 5 months of treatment, I stopped taking it without consulting my doctor because I was feeling better (bad move!).
3 or 4 weeks ago, I began re-experiencing the same symptoms I had last year, especially that I moved from Lebanon to France and am now living alone. When I was on vacation in Beirut, I went to see another psychiatrist who put me on Seroxat 20mg and Neurotop 300mg. I've been taking them for 15 days and the side effects can be very annoying. I am having a lot of nausea, loss of appetite, headaches and feeling tired all the time.
I wanted to make sure all of this is normal and that it will get better.
Tomorrow, I am travelling to Amsterdam for the weekend. So I want to ask if it is okay to take any substances while I'm on the meds I am taking.
I hope someone will reply to my thread.
Thank you :)

13-03-14, 10:16
Bonjour Karl, yes feeling worst before you feel better is quite common when you start on those med. One advise, don't touch any substance or even alcohol. I had the worst day of my life after drinking a few glasses of wine, that was 2 weeks after I started on sertraline. For the substances I don't know but I guess it would be the same. Many people are getting panic attack after taking rec. drugs. I don't say you have to stop everything but it takes time for your brain to adjust to the medication so my advise would be to give it at least 6 weeks.