View Full Version : Hello Everyone! (25 year old Male, healthy)

12-03-14, 21:09
Hey everyone! Never thought I'd join a forum about this issue, thought I'd stick to just reading what everyone else was dealing with. But after experiencing anxiety now for about 2 months, I think it's time I actually stepped into the light.

I had my first panic attack after a night of drinking heavily (about 8 pints + ending the night with a shot of Booker's bourbon). I woke up the next morning feeling tired, but nothing major. Barely drank any water the next day. Then at noon (still the next day) I went to have brunch with some friends. After the meal I felt like what was a pinch/knot in my stomach, and it didn't go away within 2 seconds. Suddenly I felt like I was falling into a hole. I stood up and asked my friend to go to the bathroom with me. About 6 seconds later, I got calm again and realized I had a cold sweat. On my drive home I felt I had extremely bad anxiety while at stop lights. When I finally got home I felt completely scared, quickly went online and realized it probably had to do with my drinking. (For the week leading up to this binge I was having 3 glasses of wine a night, at least) For the next 7 days I had anxiety that would come on suddenly, last a few minutes, then go away. Extremely strange stuff.

I laid off the alcohol completely and returned to "normal" (still not drinking) after that first week. I am not an alcoholic, so giving up drinking was pretty easy for me. Then, 2 weeks after I started feeling better I had about 4 beers for the Superbowl. The anxiety came back with it about 2 days later. 2 days after that I felt so malaised and fatigued I took off work went to my parents house, where I stayed for 5 days. There was a bad flu in Northern Virginia going around, many people I knew had it, including both my parents, but my only symptoms were malaise, fatigue, insomnia, and diarrhea (Fever of 99.3... if that even counts). The main symptom everyone that was sick complained about was the fatigue.

I am a hypochondriac so I thought I was dying. And because of this, I was afraid to go to the doctor to get some blood tests. Well, after 3 weeks of feeling sick on and off I finally went to the doctor. He did a bunch of blood tests (EXCEPT MONO!) and all my blood results came back normal -- he thought I must have had a virus of some kind.

I was eating 2 Activia Yogurt's a day for about 2 weeks, which looking back now I realize must have caused my diarrhea. After getting off the Activia for a week, and trying a single Chobani, my diarrhea went away overnight and all my gas/gastro problems went away. I felt like a new man -- completely cured of everything. I felt this way for about a week... then 6 days later (This passed Saturday) I started feeling malaise again.

I am under a lot of stress at work with deadlines and being the only one responsible for projects, recently broke up with my girlfriend (not terribly serious, but first one in almost 3 years), my two roommates got engaged, and my dad is running for public office. I believe this is stress related anxiety and malaise, but I find it so hard to believe stress alone can make me feel so malaised. Does anyone else get this? Can mono or anxiety be so sporadic (Have malaise for 5 days, feel fine for another 5 days)?

I started working out 2 weeks ago and eating right. I am 6'1", 179 lbs, and have no history of any other diseases or illnesses.

Thanks so much guys.

12-03-14, 22:02
Glad to have you with us.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

13-03-14, 02:53
Hi! I thought I had mono before as well because of times when I was extremely fatigued, but after seeing a doctor they didn't see any signs so they didn't even test for it. I get worried pretty easily about that kind of stuff though. I kissed a guy who I knew had mono last semester and then I found out mono can still be passed on for several months so now I'm worried I'm going to get it any time now. Hopefully not! I sympathize with your worries though, you're definitely not the only one!
Oh, and I also feel terrible the day after I drink. I barely drink at all because of how I feel the next day...it's not like a regular hangover, I just feel increased anxiety/panic. Although the last couple times I was fine the next day, but I still think it aggravates my anxiety.