View Full Version : how to stop being so in touch with reality

12-03-14, 22:33
i am constantly aware of everything thats going on around me and every movement i take. im always asking myself do i feel normal now and if i do when am i going to feel weird again. ive suffered with dizziness for over a year. it has scared the living crap out of me and drs said it was down to stress and anxiety but i thought it was an inner ear thing. i know alot of people say to keep busy and not think about it but sometimes im exhausted doing this. i hate feeling this way. i feel spaced out and feel like im going to spin which i never have. but the sensation i feel ia horrible especially laying in bed i feel like im on a boat. can anyone relate or give any advice id really appreciate some help

danielle xxx

12-03-14, 22:49
The best advice I can offer is that we all go through similar situations with stress and anxiety. I've been there before and accepting the physical symptoms as anxiety is extremely difficult. The more attention that we give to these symptoms, the worse they become. That causes us to think about them more often, feeding them even more. It's a never ending cycle that can be stopped by learning to accept the feelings.

What treatment are you receiving for your anxiety?

12-03-14, 22:51
Hey Danielle, did you ever look into TMJ or balance physio for your dizziness problems?

12-03-14, 23:42
i went to a physio who said my balance is good. i have tmj it doesnt cause any pain or headaches i grind my teeth and my jaw cracks. i really struggle to accept its anxiety as it sounds like so many other things but drs have all told me its stresd and anxiety. im anxious because im dizzy. im only on 10mg propranolol the dr prescribed anti depressants bt im afraid to take them. i went to counselling but it did nothing for me x

13-03-14, 06:19
What kind of physio did you go to? Was it one who specialises in balance and vestibular rehabilitation training?

14-03-14, 09:36
no it wasnt one who specialises in vrt. i live in northern ireland and i dont know of any here to even go to privately. its been a nightmare. but the thing is it goes away most of the time when im not thinking about it which made me think it was an anxiety thing. drs just roll there eyes at me now because i havent tried the antidepressants

14-03-14, 10:02
I've suffered with anxiety all my life. The past year my HA has been awful. I am very meds phobic but made the decision 5 weeks ago that I couldn't go on like this. Not only was my life c**p, but it was affecting the whole family. Very reluctantly, and with great fear, I took the plunge and started the citalopram that had been sitting in my drawer for ages. OK, so the side effects weren't fabulous but I also had diazepam to take the edge off the increased anxiety. I am now beginning to see the old me gradually returning! I also had TMJ last year, which the doctor said was anxiety, but I didn't believe him. I saw an oesteopath who confirmed this, explaining that the masseter and adjacent muscles, affect all sorts of things when under tension. He worked on the muscles and was brilliant. I do have it back again a little bit at the moment, but I'm not worried as I know it's due to the initial stress of taking the medication. I hope you can pluck up the courage and try some. I never thought I would, believing I could manage it on my own and with cbt, but had to concede that I couldn't. Seeing some improvement now has given me great hope. Xx

14-03-14, 10:38
I have been feeling like this for the past 8 months :/ the last weeks it has just gotten so much worse. I woke up like an hour ago and I'm so nauseous. And yeah, I feel like I'm on a boat. ITS SO HORRIBLE! This feeling almost never goes away, I fear mornings since I hate waking up to this feeling. Then I get anxious beause of it and start panicking. I also always have this weird feeling in the back of my head, like tension and something else. And I feel my pulse really strongly in the back of my head and back.

15-03-14, 20:08
hi jillyb what were the side effects you got? well done for taking the leap into taking them i wish i had the courage. i think about it everyday im so afraid it will make my dizziness worse. what symptoms of anxiety where you experiencing that was affecting your life so much? ive three young children and i would lovd to be much more patient with them i spend my days cleaning the house as a distraction frm the dizziness im fed up
hi worrier13 ita horrible isnt it. mines was so bad i was bedridden so i struggle to believe its anxiety alone. i get the pulsating sensation to and sway with it

Round in circles
16-03-14, 02:50
My mum had dizzy spells that came on with certain movements, then one morning she woke up and felt like the whole room was spinning. Turns out she's got labyrinthitis. She went to the hospital and got the crystals in her ear manipulated. I thought that sounded a bit weird but apparently that helped a lot.