View Full Version : Panic attacks returning

Joseph Martin
12-03-14, 22:53
Hi guys,

I've posted on the forum before when I was going through difficult times. After a good couple of years of finding that things were going ok/I could cope, I'm once again feeling as if I'm back to square one.

When things were bad in the past, I had support from counselling. Even then, I did not go to my GP as I was generally too scared to do so! But things eventually began to go on an even keel...

Over the last couple of years, things seemed to be going well. Despite some hard times, I successfully completed a two year Business HND at college, and I am now in 3rd year of university. I also managed to get my first job, however lost employment after an accident. Last summer, I managed to get my first 'proper' job, paying a good wage. I felt good.

Since last summer, things have started to go downhill personally. After a period where panic and depression did not feature very highly, I feel as if I'm back to where I was a number of years back. Last year was pretty stressful, going through a house move which increased my commute substantially, as well as moving into 3rd year of university.

I felt I could cope in spite of these facts. For once I was earning good money, and also made it to university. The problems began a few months ago at work, whereby I began to notice that some colleagues where actually aggressive, and pretty unpleasant to work with. Having suffered from panic in the past, one particular encounter led me to begin to REALLY dread going into work, despite the fact that I only work weekends. I also felt unable to approach my manager to let them know, which probably didn't help. Everything came to a head two weeks ago, after another encounter with aggressive colleagues led me to panic all week about going back to work. This affected my uni work, I missed two deadlines and had to ask for extensions. I could not go into work, and ended up having to go to out of hours clinic due to a very bad panic attack. The GP did not give me anything, only a quick pep talk in which he recommended that I give up my job. He said that the commute, nature of job and working till 2am wk ends was causing me the panic and depression. I maintain that whilst travelling and working part nightshift is tiring, it is the aggressive colleagues attitudes towards me that are causing me to be like this.

To this end, my panic is still very very bad. It is putting a strain on home life and relationships with friends. My boss seemed sympathetic to an extent on the phone, and asked me to phone in today to update him. But I just couldn't do it. I would not have known what to say to him. I'm now at the point where I have put my name down with student counselling, but the earliest appt is 2 wks away. I need to go and see my GP about how panic and anxiety is affecting me, but I am really scared about this. I know I need the help badly, I would feel counselling would help again but I also cannot control the feelings of panic. At present I don't feel well enough to go to work this wk end, but my contract is due for renewal on the 5th April and at present, I really think I will lose my job if I am off again. I really hope that someone can offer me some words of wisdom, God Bless you all, Joe :weep:

13-03-14, 02:18
I agree with your doctor. You can't work in a hostile environment if you have an anxiety disorder. If you complain to management about the guys that bother you, it may make things more uncomfortable or worse. Money is not the most important thing. Find a job where you genuinely like your coworkers and feel at home. You will be much more happy all around.


15-03-14, 08:47
Hiya joe,
Your situation sounds exactly like mine. I have had panic attacks for most of my life. A few years back, I had counselling and went on citalopram which helped me. I did two years at college and then did went to uni for three years. I am a qualified nurse which is a very big achievement for me. After uni I couldn't find a job straight away. At the time I was very confident. I am a very caring and empathic person. After a few months I got my first job. I was enjoying it. I was doing night shifts which was difficult but didn't find them. A couple of colleagues got aggressive with me , so I couldn't cope. I didn't like the work environment, so I left. I was getting a very good wage but I was just very depressed. 6 months down the line, I found another job. This time manager wasn't very nice with me. I was newly qualified and also became pregnant, right at the beginning of the job which the manager wasn't happy about. I felt like I was getting bad treatment from the manager. I developed pregnancy problems 3 months after starting my job, so I left my job, I didn't want any connection with the job because I felt very upset and I didn't want to lose my baby. It's been 2 years now I have been at home. No confidence because of panic attacks. I had a massive panic attack last night. Came out of nowhere. I haven't had a panic attack since I went back on to citalopram which was 2 months ago. I am getting a little confidence back but not to go back into nursing at the moment. I feel like it has been a waste.
My advice to you is joe, is to find another job first and then leave your present job if it is making you upset. Don't make the mistake I did. I just quit and I have lost my confidence but remember I was pregnant , I had to think for my baby. Best of luck to you. Reading your post just bought back memories. Take care!:)

15-03-14, 11:56
Hang in ther Joe. You've achieved so much. Don't let it get you down. Just keep your focus on that path to navigate through this and back onto the path you WANT to be on.

Are they being aggressive specifically to you ?

Ultimately, it goes without saying that you don't like these people and when you anticipated your future job these idiots weren't in your work place.
So ultimately I think your looking for a workplace change away from the individuals stressing you out.

Meanwhile there's no need to let these people force you into any choices that would be detrimental to your career so if at all possible develop coping strategies until you can move workplaces. If you can do that the experience will benefit you in the future.

Hard to offer much advice without knowing what this aggression is.

Hang in there. You'll get passed this.