View Full Version : Mild head issue

12-03-14, 23:33
It's been a while since I've posted this but I've been getting extremely mild but extremely odd vague, odd headaches in different parts of head for 2 years. & 8 months . My drs think it's sinus/tension. I think that's true. & OTC painkillers will knock it out but I don't like to take then too often. I just don't want to start fearing brain tumors . I'm afraid I'll start freaking myself out, out of this horrid anxiety I have. Thank You !

12-03-14, 23:53
I think you can put that one to rest. If you had a brain tumor for almost 3 years you would have been very sick long ago.

12-03-14, 23:59
I agree with RoseE and your post has already rationalized out anything sinister.
I'd say you got this one in the bag ;)

Positive thoughts