View Full Version : how to eliminate feelings of anxiety and depression some advice please??

13-03-14, 01:47
ok this is not regarding anxiety worries i'm sorry
but i need some help to get over feelings of depression.
this other kid walked by me and told me to not speak and pushed me
i started feeling the adrenaline in me i was snapped
he pushed me 6 times and called my ''mom'' names
everybody else was laughing and saying i'm a puss for not fighting i'm weak
then again later on he pushed me and said look at ya weight
why Couldn't i hit him? WHY DID I STOP?? the teacher said don't listen to people be a good kid and the teacher had so much respect.
i took the opinion from mature men to not fight..
when i got home i started feeling intense stress... i had nausea lightheadness
i also had a really bad migraine. i was considering suicide my life was on the edge. luckily i fell asleep got 11 hours in me, i feel better but i still feel that i'm not a man i embrassed myself.. i didn't do it because i was scared of hurting the 13 year old. i need help every other man would of knocked the lights out of him. i need to o was it a wise decision. my confidence has dropped alot.. i hope you reply and look at my other mature posts thanks i'm 15

13-03-14, 10:06
Hi Peter..Im 48 years old male...ill tell you a story...when i was 40 my friend who was younger than me head butted me then punched me in the face twicein front of my family and friends for no reason other than he was a buily and a young thug...like you i didnt fight back.my face was covered in blood....he then killed himself after doing this to me...i dnt think he could handle the shame of what he done...when i think back i wish i hit him back like any other man but thats not me.....like you i took it.....but i can tell you now...it takes a real man to resist fighting back sometimes.....if it really bothers you then you need to act on it the next time it hapens to avoid being picked on...good luck mate