View Full Version : I'm not good at introductions..but hello!

13-03-14, 02:49
Hi! I'm a college student in the US and I have panic disorder with a little social anxiety that definitely stems from a fear of panicking in front of others. I have the toughest time sitting through lectures in big classes, as well as traveling on buses/trains, or driving on long car rides (especially on highways). There are other situations, like crowded places or anywhere I feel trapped, but the lectures and transportation are the ones I encounter the most. I've tried various medications with the psychiatrist I see at school but I'm more of a believer in the natural route and getting this under control for the long term. I do have Klonopin and I take a small amount before lecture. I'd like to get off of it, so I'm trying to exercise more, I don't have any caffeine, I barely drink, and I'm trying to learn meditation and do more yoga. I love hearing about what helps other people and trying to incorporate it into my life, so I think this forum is a good outlet for me! Sorry this was kind of long, but, to sum it up, hello everyone and thank you for any future advice you either directly or indirectly provide me with!

13-03-14, 11:34
:welcome: Sarah!

13-03-14, 13:00
Don't be shy...we won't bite!!!

Welcome to NMP, Sarah :)

13-03-14, 18:34
Hi :welcome: to the forum , there is loads of help and support on here.

15-03-14, 16:12
Hi Sarah. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

15-03-14, 19:47
Hi and welcome to NMP :)