View Full Version : how to treat anxiety

13-03-14, 09:42
ok this is not regarding anxiety worries i'm sorry
but i need some help to get over feelings of depression.
this other kid walked by me and told me to not speak and pushed me
i started feeling the adrenaline in me i was snapped
he pushed me 6 times and called my ''mom'' names
everybody else was laughing and saying i'm a puss for not fighting i'm weak
then again later on he pushed me and said look at ya weight
why Couldn't i hit him? WHY DID I STOP?? the teacher said don't listen to people be a good kid and the teacher had so much respect.
i took the opinion from mature men to not fight..
when i got home i started feeling intense stress... i had nausea lightheadness
i also had a really bad migraine. i was considering suicide my life was on the edge. luckily i fell asleep got 11 hours in me, i feel better but i still feel that i'm not a man i embrassed myself.. i didn't do it because i was scared of hurting the 13 year old. i need help every other man would of knocked the lights out of him. i need to o was it a wise decision. my confidence has dropped alot.. i hope you reply and look at my other mature posts thanks i'm 15

13-03-14, 09:59
I really would advise you to speak to an adult about this...... you mom, teacher or other adult you can trust.


13-03-14, 15:46
Hi Peter,

Your posts all have a common theme - you don't feel that you are "mature" or "a man". That's hardly surprising. You are a 15 yr old kid! I'm not sure why you feel the need to grow up so quickly. I'm just guessing here but is it maybe because your dad isn't around?

Whatever it is, Like Sarah says, you really need to talk to an adult about this. At your age the only thing you should have on your mind is doing well at school.

You were right not to get into a fight. Sensible people resolve their differences with words, not their fists.

13-03-14, 23:47
Hi peter, I know how you feel :hugs: Im 21 now but when I was at school I had the same problems too. You did the right thing by not punching him back :winks: Its a sign of real maturity and something you should be proud of :D. I don't push/punch people back either :D, if this little brat thinks it is ok to push people or call your family names just imagine how he'll be when he's older. I doubt he'll have a happy life or many friends. Try and ignore him and the other kids who were laughing, I know how difficult it is Ive been through it :). Some kids/teenagers take a while to mature or grow up but you seem very mature which is of course a good thing :D. Some people never mature :wacko:. When I was going through it I used to tell the teachers, it helped and I got two teenage students excluded from school for what they did to me. Try not to care about what they think, my guess is after he pushed you he would have gone and tormented someone else or will in the nearby future :lac:. Kids/teenagers normally bully because they have problems of their own. Like Sarah said maybe you could talk to your mom or another family member or tell a teacher you trust :). When I was at school I had thoughts of suicide too. Just don't go saying to him he's immature etc that'll make things worse (you'll know that though:D). You can get through this :yesyes:. I hope you find this helpful :D :blush:

16-03-14, 06:33
thank ya all