View Full Version : Stomach virus

13-03-14, 14:35
I have a horrid stomach virus it hurts to even drink water let alone food!
So it's day 2 without any food and the problem I'm having is I have IBS
And I'm unsure if these pains are from ibs as your not allowed to skip meals
What am I meant to do when I feel too nauseous to eat?

And any tips on how to cope with a stomach virus would help a lot thanks x

13-03-14, 14:42
Hi Miss Sunshine - appropriate name for a gorgeous day today!
Try and eat things such as breadsticks - they seem to help keep food down and settle my stomach when I have a sick bug. Also some plain boiled rice with a little bit of salt on top seems to do the trick for me!
My Granny always gives me flat lemonade as well - helps to keep your sugar levels up apparently :)

Hope these help and you feel better soon!

13-03-14, 14:49
Hiya The sunshine is defiantly keeping me positive even tho I'm stuck in bed!
I'm sending my other half out for sprite and breadsticks as we speak.
How do you flatten lemonade esp if it's a new bottle?
I feel so terrible at times like this I just want my mummy! I'm 25 don't judge :shades:

Thanks xx

13-03-14, 19:10
Stick to the B.R.A.T diet. Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Drink water/gatorade/sprite/7 up as often as you can to keep you hydrated. I hope you feel better soon!! Hang in there!

14-03-14, 06:33
Sorry miss sunshine in never got back to you.. I'm 25 and also want my mum when I'm not very well so don't worry!
Just keep shaking the sprite up then unscrewing the cap (carefully lol) and it will eventually fall flat or poor it in a glass and leave it for a while..
Hope your feeling better today x