View Full Version : Glandular Fever

13-03-14, 20:31
Okay so I went to the doctor with the following symptoms and he said he thinks it is glandular fever, waiting for blood test results now.
My symptoms are extreme tiredness and muscle weakness for now 3 weeks. I cannot make it through a whole day because I am so exhausted and weak.
When researching glandular fever i saw the symptoms were tiredness like i have, but fever, swollen glands, high temperature and I have none of these.
Has anyone else had glandular fever without the fever? (sounds a rather stupid question!)

Other symptoms I have noticed in the past couple of weeks are pain in my back-my shoulders, spine, and neck, bleeding gums, abnormal periods for 2 months, and tiny pin prick dots on my arms that look like dried blood-but when you rub them you can see blood under the skin rise up again? there literally dots all over my arms that look like tiny dots of blood, no pain.

18-03-14, 00:31
When I had glandular fever I knew it! I think it lasted about two weeks the main symptoms. I had a blocked nose throat that killed, I couldn't eat or drink for the two weeks so much so my lips swelled to twice the siZe and were so crusty from dehydration. My throat tastes like an ashtray even though I don't smoke and I was in bed for the whole time but only sleeping for about 3 hours a day. It was the most ill I have ever felt in my life along with bronchitis.

Saying that it affects people differently depending on how old they are when they get it and can have much less severe symptoms.