View Full Version : High blood pressure readings?

14-03-14, 03:28
My blood pressure has been weirdly elevated today at about 120/90. Then I took a reading where my diastolic (bottom number) was over 100 and it sent me into a panic attack. It went as high as 106. I know a hypertensive emergency is over 110 so I was freaking out; my heart went to 170. Can this happen during panic? Anyone else get readings that high? Very scared.

14-03-14, 05:41
I don't know, but was there a reason why it elevated? Why did you feel a need to check, did something make you concerned?

I just read something that said if your bottom number is over 90 over a number of weeks, it means you have high blood pressure.

Have you been taking readings before? If not, maybe it just means that and you need to visit your GP?

The American Heart Association site I spotted said to check the reading again after a few minutes if your diastolic goes above 110 and then contact help.

Got this off Blood Pressure UK.

Ideally, we should all have a blood pressure below 120 over 80 (120/80). This is the ideal blood pressure for people wishing to have good health. At this level, we have a much lower risk of heart disease or stroke.
If your blood pressure is optimal, this is great news. By following our healthy living advice, you will be able to keep it this way.
If your blood pressure is above 120/80mmHg, you will need to lower it.

Most adults in the UK have blood pressure readings in the range from 120 over 80 (120/80) to 140 over 90 (140/90). If your blood pressure is within this range, you should be taking steps to bring it down or to stop it rising any further. Our five top tips (http://www.bloodpressureuk.org/BloodPressureandyou/Thebasics/Yourlifestyle) will show you how.
The reason why people with blood pressure readings in this range should lower it, even though this is not classified as 'high' blood pressure, is that the higher your blood pressure, the higher your risk of health problems.

Perhaps the panic sent it racing, but the systolic would need to be over 180 or both over 180 & 110 to be an emergency from what I read.

How is it now? I'm not a doctor, I just tried to grab you a few facts as I know what panic is like.

14-03-14, 08:06
I had my bp taken last week at the doctors surgery and it was 168/88, I had been relatively anxious before going in, she mentioned it was sky high but didn't say anything else (I've just turned 41 and female). I used somebody's home monitor yesterday and felt far more relaxed and I was getting readings between 150/98 and 130/85.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if the docs are ok with it then there's no need to panic. I have had consistently high readings for 6 months now but the doc hasn't mentioned anything, I'm currently under a lot of stress at the moment so imagine that's the cause.
Please don't worry too much.

14-03-14, 10:11
To put it into perspective my blood pressure readings two weeks ago was 170/120, I'm on 2 meds now with readings still 140s/90s. I'm 32.

14-03-14, 12:05
As one who has had high BP and took and still take meds for BP, 120/90 would be just "Eh.... no worries" The reality is that your BP (diastolic)is just a "tad" and I mean a "tad" on the high normal scale, not "weirdly elevated" and I wouldn't be concerned. It makes sense that your BP and pulse would go up with a panic attack and your assumption is highly likely.

Positive thoughts

14-03-14, 13:30
I've just had mine re-done and the difference sitting down relaxing for 5 mins is incredible. 1st reading 150/91 and a pulse of 71, then it dropped to 116/73 with a pulse of 72.
A panic attack can and will make a huge difference.

14-03-14, 15:34
What a good link from Terry about blood pressure. Thank you x

14-03-14, 15:47
Thanks for all the replies. The reason I was taking my BP was I have a condition that mostly causes low blood pressure. Very occasionally the system will overcompensate and go too high, but this doesn't happen very often and it scares the crap out of me. I get scared it will just keep climbing until my blood vessels explode or something :-( I have this great fear of stuff 'rupturing'. I also seem to have a kidney infection and ate some rice I suspect of containing msg, so either of those might have been a factor.

14-03-14, 16:47
I was 24 when I've had 160/? on occasion, when I was REALLY stressed out at the doctor, worrying about my lungs (or heart) once.

Point is, anxiety and stress can and DO cause it. As MyNameIsTerry (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=59808), there are methods, tips and tricks that you can use to lower it further. Remember that stress can do nasty things to a body in terms of physical symptoms/sensations.

14-03-14, 22:26
Thanks for all the replies. The reason I was taking my BP was I have a condition that mostly causes low blood pressure. Very occasionally the system will overcompensate and go too high, but this doesn't happen very often and it scares the crap out of me. I get scared it will just keep climbing until my blood vessels explode or something :-( I have this great fear of stuff 'rupturing'. I also seem to have a kidney infection and ate some rice I suspect of containing msg, so either of those might have been a factor.

Suggest discussing this with your GP. I know someone who has swung from high to low blood pressure so their meds were altered to treat the new condition.

Maybe your GP will say its common for the medical condition you mention?

17-03-14, 13:38
I have sat at a bp machine and began with white coat syndrome. My heart races at the thought of
Checking my bp. Mynumbers have elevated high while each time I did it got higher. I know my body and
Panic heart racing controls this. My doctor says it is the consistant high numbers that are concerning.
I now know my mind endangers me and I even more need to get this worry under control. A few weeks ago 141/100. Heart rate 93. Now 128/84 . So it really can be effected by our thoughts flight ot fight

17-03-14, 14:52
I've just been to the dr and spoke to him about bp as I had a bad reaction to sertraline and my bp kept spiking with tight chest. He checked me over and said I was fine and what did I class as high and I said it was 116/107 at one point and was scared as the bottom was nearly as high as the top and that must mean my heart isn't pumping efficiently. He said his bp was consistently higher than that and not to worry. He tooky bp there and it was 100/72....