View Full Version : twitching eye

27-11-06, 20:23
Hi, can anyone shed some light on why my eye is twtiching. It is under my left eye and I can see a muscle or a nerve thobbing in a very gentle way - not enough to make me look like I am blinking or anything in fact it's hardly noticable - if I ignore it I can't even feel it fluttering.

Friends say it's because my eye is tired and I'm stressed out and it will go. But it's been here for over two weeks now and I'm starting to imagine that it might be something more serious than that. My doctor has said it's because I'm tired.

I have just come out of a horrible period of anxiety about my health (thanks to everyone on this site who gave me help and advice) and now I feel on the edge of being depressed but not quite - if that makes any sense. I do feel pretty stressed out as well.

I'm trying to be calm and do things like exercise and relaxation but this eye thing is reminding me that something's not right all the time and I'm feeling very fed up. Thanks and love, Alison

27-11-06, 20:35
Hi Alison

Take a look at these posts they may help:

Eye twitch
Twitching Eye (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3313)
eye tic (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6657)



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

28-11-06, 00:12
I get these too when I am stressed and/or I am using the computer longer than usual. Sometimes I can feel fluttering in my neck all the way up to my eye. It's nothing at all to worry about, and it will stop in an hour if not a few minutes.

Misery: you insist that the weight of the world should be on your shoulders. Misery: 'guess there's more to life than what you see, My Friend of Misery.

28-11-06, 07:54

I had this with my left eye all of yesterday.


28-11-06, 12:44
I get this quite a lot, it just happens out of the blue . Once i had it for over a fortnight , it does eventually settle down , i asked my optician about it and he said it was absolutely nothing to worry about. Hope that helps a bit.

Shirley x

28-11-06, 16:26
thanks to you all I feel much better having read your posts - its still twitching away but I feel hopeful now that it'll just go and that I'm just tired and I'm not getting MS!!!..thanks again and love Alison;)

29-11-06, 09:32
i have had a twitch in my eye every day on and off for the last 12 weeks! been to docs and opticians and bith say it is stress related. I am also in the process of coming off seroxat which can sometimes cause twutching. i was worried sick, but i am going to leave it til after xmas and then go back if no better. i have started to take magnesium citrate today which is also meant to be good for spasms.

otis x

29-11-06, 23:15
I one time had it for about 4 weeks. I panicked daily and made a mess out of my self. I went to the doctors and was told it was stress and it would stop when I stopped worrying about it. It was true!

No worries!


30-11-06, 09:14

I've been told before that an eye twitch can be due to low potassium levels (I get it off and on, although never linked it with stress before). Eating a banana or two may help, they're good for potassium. Worth a try!

"Some days I wonder why I bother chewing through the leather straps."

30-11-06, 09:49
I've had this quite a few times over the years. Often it could last for 3 or 4 months before eventually disappearing. It really is a sign of stress and nothing to worry about. You will find that once you stop worrying about it, you will not notice it and it will go.