View Full Version : Ok panic time

14-03-14, 10:02
Now I am in full blown what the hell mode....

I'm already on Lisinopril and Propranolol for high blood pressure, Over the last few days I have become more and more sluggish like when I go for a walk or try to cycle anywhere.

This morning I physically struggled to walk 5 mins to my corner shop for some milk and bread, my leg muscles feel heavy and like they are pumped with lactic acid, my lungs feel deflated and like I am somehow not breathing correct and I can feel my chest kind of fluttering/palpations with tight kind of dull ache.

My fingers and Toes are freezing cold so much so that now I am indoors I have hot aches/tingling, I was wearing thick gloves and the walk was 5 mins long?

I'm lost....

14-03-14, 10:28
What's your HR and BP like now? Might be lowering it too much? Are you less stressed now the christening is over?

14-03-14, 10:59
Hey mummy,

Heart rate is around the 70s right now, I have seen it drop to 50s however. Blood pressure has usually been around 130/86 but that's with the ace inhibitor and beta blocker.

Not sure if those meds could be causing issues with fatigue/energy? I have been riding everywhere for around 6 months daily and going uphill was easy until just over a week ago, two days ago I was finding it a struggle to cycle on a flat surface but me being me refused to stop so I actually forced my way up a big hill near my house ever since both my thighs have been in pain.

Only way I can really describe it is like walking 1 mile for me right now would feel like I have walked 20 miles. Just like my muscles are pumped full of lactic acid.

The nurse from my medical centre returned me call just a few mins ago, she is going to check me over with bp and a heart trace at 1 pm.

Assuming or hoping its medication related.

---------- Post added at 10:59 ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 ----------

I have a polar FT1 heart rate monitor for cardio training, I have it on at the moment and just saw my heart change from 77-97-70 in a split second while sat here doing nothing, seems odd too. I had a heart trace about 6 months ago which was normal and drs I have seen so far have not done another because of that.

14-03-14, 11:05
Beta blockers give your body a limit it can push itself to. I'm not an expert but remember reading something to that effect. So you maybe can't push yourself as much as you would have done.
Can you call the dr for some advice? May be completely normal.

14-03-14, 11:52
Propranolol will affect your energy levels, feeling lethargic is one of the common side effects. Most people say that it disappears as your body gets used to it, but if you're at uncomfortable levels of low energy then talking to your doctor about it would be a good idea.

14-03-14, 12:14
Why not take the monitor(s) off and give it a rest? The meds you're taking prevent your heart from working too hard. A beta blocker does just that and it's like hitting a wall. It sucks I know! BP meds can have some unpleasant side effects. My cardiologist put me back on lisinopril and I've had a nasty headache all week. They're easing a bit but it's just my body getting used to it and it will pass. If not?.. I'll call... it is what it is.

BP is your hot button and it only makes sense that you're reacting this way. Do you have any CBT or relaxation/meditation techniques you can employ?

Hope you feel better.

Positive thoughts

14-03-14, 15:22
Cheers all,

I just had a strange experience with both the nurse and Dr in the room with me at the same time, my heart is fine, as is my nerves and strength of my legs. My bp however was still high at 150/105 even with the lisinopril and propranolol.

They have been talking to an endo that I see for an unrelated condition and he has requested I be tested for Cushing's? and these benign tumor conditions that release adrenaline. So Sunday I have to do a 24 hour urine test.

Even I myself think they are unlikely, but a clear test would basically tell me its anxiety induced adrenaline?

Going to try and stay as calm as possible over the weekend.