View Full Version : servere eye lid twitching a month on

14-03-14, 10:58
Hello to you all I have had some weird twitches going on for about 4 months now random all over my body I can see them and they have now subsided a lot but still around . I now I have one in my eye its been going on for about a month not so much a flicker of the eye it started underneath the eye and is now on the eye lid and its flickering shut when its really bad only momentarialy but its closing and its horrible
I was wondering if anyone else has had this to this extent before ? im wondering if I should go to the drs and get an injection to calm the mustles down I have to stand up infront of people at work to give presentations and I have no idea when its going to happen its on my mind a lot and worrying me
any answers or advice would be greatfully received x

14-03-14, 11:37
I think it's normal. My eyelid doesn't usually close. If its bothering you, you can ask the doctor though I'm not sure anything can be done. I really think it will pass. I've had months of eye twitches only to have them stop suddenly.

14-03-14, 13:05
My sister went about a month and half of her eye twitching. The day before her dr's apt it stopped! It can be so annoying but im sure it will pass

14-03-14, 17:37
thanks both of you for your reassuring words ..I don't mind the flutters on the eye lid although annoying ! this seems to close ever so momentarily which is quite nasty and above all annoying x thankyou for answering

14-03-14, 17:54
My husband gets this for months on end. It comes and goes throughout the years.

I actually know when he is stressed or anxious when he has a twitchy eyelid.