View Full Version : Blood results back within a day?!

14-03-14, 14:46
Hi I had bloods taken yesterday due to constant tummy discomfort, some of the things tested were

So although I only had them done yesterday I thought I would ring the doctors to see if they were back my anxiety was getting to me and I thought they would just tell me they weren't yet back. The receptionist said they were just in and waiting for a doctor to look at them. I am now really worried as they have come back so quick which makes me think something is wrong. She said I could ring back later but they may not be looked at till Monday.

I hate having blood tests as I get so anxious, normally there is something wrong last time it was my iron levels. The thing is if something is wrong they tell you the doctor needs to speak to you but then you have to wait days for the doctor to speak to you and all the time worrying what it could be :( my tummy is now doing flips, I am all shaky and nervous and would love for once just to get told that the results were normal. But no it looks like a weekend of worrying and as this time I had so many things tested and not just a FBC it gives me more to worry what could be wrong :(

14-03-14, 14:58
I've had that whole bunch too and I got them back super quick as well. I know my doc asked for them quickly due to anxiety x

14-03-14, 15:01
Hi, they come back quick as they are computerised now, so it's not as if they have to be sent in post, as this happened to me too x

14-03-14, 15:03
Thank you
Would love for them to be normal, even if they are not looked at today it's better then being told the doctor wants to talk to me but can't till next week! Which is what always happens. I was feeling a bit better today but now I feel so nervous x

14-03-14, 15:25
I know how you feel. But the results usually are very quick, because as mentioned it just goes through a computer. I have crohn's, and my dr used to send me across the street to be tested, and by the time I walked back he had the results!

Last year my wife was pregnant, and had a blood test. They called the next day to tell her to come in the following week (this was a Fri). She called me in tears, convinced it was sinister. I raced home and tried to get the walk in clinic to take her. I lied, and told the clinic nurse she was sick. I asked my wife to ask the dr (who isn't our family dr) about the results. She did, and he wouldn't tell us!

We had to wait until the Monday. Anyway, when we finally went everything was fine except her iron was a little low.

Basically we panicked for nothing. Don't worry.

14-03-14, 16:41
Just spoke to doctor all tests were normal part from iron slightly low.
Will now be referred for a scan as they don't know what's causing my tummy trouble. Got a urine sample to do to.

14-03-14, 16:45
Well that's positive news x

14-03-14, 16:59
That's excellent news. Be reassured that cancer would have shown something more x

14-03-14, 17:20
Hoping so.
Not sure what type of scan they will do know it will be an ultrasound but my pain sort of is all over so don't know if they will do pelvic or abdominal know it won't be both.

I was naughty getting an appointment and going round there just didn't want to worry all weekend x

14-03-14, 18:03
Why wouldn't it be both?

14-03-14, 18:07
They said they don't like to do both :(

14-03-14, 23:56
That's bizarre surely? It's not exactly a long way between the two?? And surely better to do both in one go than get you back for two appointments?

03-07-14, 16:55
Did you have a colonoscopy ? Or sigmoidoscopy ? And what was the result