View Full Version : Re: Anxiety. Are these vision problems related ? (2)

14-03-14, 15:12
Dear all,

I am replying to my previous post I posted about my vision. Since then my sight has got worse. I have had two VEP tests and countless slit lamp exams as well as an MRI. My following vision problems are now

- Grainy Vision
- Dark vision (outside and some objects look darker)
- Colours and some objects look brighter - Red, White, Yellow, Blue, Green
- Double Vision
- Hazy Vision
- Blurry Vision
- light and object afterimage
- Halos around lights (Sometimes large with wavy lines in them)
- Lights seem more yellow
- Fuzzy vision
- Blue dots
- Busy dots on walls
- Cloudy Vision
- Lights seem more yellow
- Dotty vision
- Objects appear to be sinking
- After a nap my vision is more disorientated for a short time.
- When my eyes are closed I see swirling lights, blues lines and waves.

New Problems
-Double vision
-Things have become a lot darker than they were previously
-Halos around lights have increased
-Diagonal lights in windows, that are not on.
-Lines appear through letters and they seem faded and jumbled
-Object afterimage is stronger
-TV screen sticks sometimes
-Colour contrast problems (started recently)
-When I move my hand quickly, I can still see it for a few seconds
-Everything bounces when I look up and down
-Everything is getting more blurry
-When I look around everything goes in slow motion

Mental Problems:
-I feel as though I need to do things quicker
-My brain feels unbearbly horrible and weird all the time. It feels differently weird and horrible (I take a zopiclone and it goes, sometimes)
-Rapid mood changes from angry, happy, sad and shouting
-Strange behaviour like talking to myself
-Reptitively doing activites
-Metallic taste in mouth
-Extremely disorientated
-Extremely bad headaches (seems worse in the morning)

Does anyone else have these same problems, and can they be that severe ?

Thanks for reading.


14-03-14, 15:35
My anxiety had given me a persistent vision issue. I have calmed down towards them and am not as bothered by them as I used to be. But I do remember being like you, the best way to describe mine, is like drunk vision after a few too many your focus begins to change. And that's what I've had 24/7 for nearly 6 months. I too have had extensive vision examinations and MRI.

You maybe experiencing depersonalisation and derealisation look at the symptom list on the LHS.

14-03-14, 15:41
I get vision problems when I am VERY stressed. I think its my bodys way of telling me to slow down and rest.
I used to get hallucinations, seeing things that weren't there, in the form of light and shadow similar to what you described but not the same.

My Dr told me that when people get stressed they often forget to drink, which can lead to some poor vision problems, stomach aches, bad headaches or disorientation etc.
Have you told a about Dr all of this?

sorry I can't be more help x